[New Analytics] Public course unenrolled student analytics

Our university use courses that are open to all University staff and  students and are not required to be enrolled in these courses as long as they can log in to Canvas. In the previous version of Course Analytics, page visits and participation were captured and available to instructors of these sites.   The New Course Analytics deployed in July 2020 no longer supports this function as it requires students to be enrolled in the course for it to capture the corresponding student activity data for page visits and participation.

Can this please be re-instated as it  provides a gauge/snapshot  of course resource usability and hit-frequency for institution-wide public courses?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open
Community Member

I agreed, this is data is needed to determine usage.

Community Contributor

We would really appreciate this functionality as we have a new student orientation course that we keep as "public" because it includes instructions for how to log into Canvas, etc. We aren't able to track how many students engage with it b/c of the lack of analytics.  Please, please add!

Thank you!

Community Member

I feel that this would be a great feature to add to Canvas.  I see how our students clubs/groups would benefit from using this in their courses. 

Community Participant

I'm in K-12 and I'd like the ability to see an access report of our public courses. We have public courses for parents to access for basic Canvas information and I'd like to be able to see the usage/number of visits to make decisions about the effectiveness of this method of delivery.

Community Member

I have created a public OER course: https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74465. If we require students to enroll, it defeats the purpose of the resource of being free and open to the public worldwide, since it would require affiliation/ login with our university. It would be a huge value add to be able to track interaction with our resource to know how extensively it is being used! Please add some tracking mechanism to public courses to understand usage rates.

Community Participant

Requiring user enrollments in order to track usage on a public course defeats the purpose of a public course. Is there a way to track usage for no enrollment public courses using a third-party like Google Analytics? 

Community Team
Community Team
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme