Provide a quiz accomodation which removes one incorrect answer choice from selected students. For example, if I provide four choices with one correct answer, the accomodation would only have 3 choices with one correct answer.
This option/feature would be most helpful. Also would make SIS gradebook syncing less messy as I have to create 2 quizzes one assigned to all then the other assigned to just a couple of students.
Can Canvas please make a setting for multiple choice tests that eliminates 1 answer? Maybe a setting that we could click that eliminates a wrong answer from each question created? Special education teachers and students with IEPs would benefit from this. Thanks
I too would love to see this feature. Classroom teachers come to me all the time asking for an easy way to do this, and I do not have a good answer for them.
Teachers using Canvas simply must have the option to eliminate one answer option. To not offer this does at least one of the following things, all of which are undesirable:
1) In order to most simply alter a test, it would require teachers & students to leave the Canvas instance by printing out a quiz and manually eliminating a solution.
2) Creating more work for the teachers by making multiple tests.
One really wouldn't think this would be so hard to accomplish. There should be so many automation opportunities that support students with special needs. I wish you had at least on well versed special education teacher on your staff so that simple things like this could be anticipated rather than begged for years on end.
Of all the things I want, this is the only thing that I need. Tired of making multiple versions of the same thing. Such a waste of time. This should be a priority over lots of other things.
I have teachers with IEP students asking for this accommodation all the time. When I look in the course guides this is a suggestion and then it says "solved" when I click to "jump to solution" it says to submit as a feature idea. Clearly not "solved".
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