[New Quizzes] Allow Quiz Regrade for Questions Linked to Banks

We heavily use the question bank folders to keep our questions organized.  We create them in the banks since it is the only way to keep them from going into an "unfiled" folder.

The regrade feature needs to be allowed for questions linked to banks.  If the question is wrong in one quiz, it is wrong everywhere so I fail to see what it matters if it is referenced multiple places.  Regrading is critical to fair grading and it makes no sense to either be stuck with a choice between a completely disorganized question database and losing the regrade option.

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Hello  @striglej ,

Thank you for taking the time to submit to the feature ideas forum.

I just now updated your idea submission to the queue that will open for vote on June 3rd.



Community Coach
Community Coach

This would be very helpful as we have many Teachers who link questions into quizzes and then might link that same question into their Midterm and Final exams and it would be nice if they only had to make the corrections/updates once and it would update in all locations.

Though, I do see where a re-grade button or notice might be needed should the question be in an exam/quiz that has already been taken by students.

Community Contributor

The fact that quizzes with questions linked from a bank can not be regraded is causing a big issue for our faculty. This is especially problematic during midterms and finals when instructors create comprehensive examinations and pull in questions from multiple banks.

Community Member

This may stem from the same issue that they are having in the discussion about Master Question Banks. Making sure that when the quizzes are regraded that all of the instances of those questions are regraded is a must.

Community Novice

Josh you are right.  I had the unfortunate experience with my own class this spring term.  The publisher test bank has errors and I had simply linked to the banks instead of pulling them into the course.  I spent many hours finding and correcting questions on individual students quizzes.  Regrade works well but only if you pull the test banks into your quiz.  I have been recommending that our faculty don't link to banks, but instead add the question bank questions to their quizzes, however it is additional work.  I hope this item gets enough votes to become a reality- it is definitely needed!

Community Champion

BROEKERC -- how did you get the publisher test items into your Canvas ban

Community Coach
Community Coach

cholling​, we use a program called Respondus 4.0: Exam Authoring Tool for getting publisher test banks (and other test banks) into Canvas and it works amazing!

Community Novice

Hi cholling It was a QTI.zip file from the publisher.

Community Team
Community Team


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Community Champion

Great -- that's the answer I was looking for! I have to find more time to explore Respondus 4!!