[New Quizzes] Allow instructors to lock and unlock an available quiz

Problem statement:

In classic quizzes, teacher have the option to "Lock this quiz now", which allows to see the quiz in the assignments and quizzes tools, but not open it. This feature is useful for situations where the instructor needs to make a change or realizes something is wrong and needs to be corrected. In new quizzes, the only means of locking an available quiz is to change the availability dates which would results in students seeing dates that are not accurate and require instructors to restore the original dates to reopen the quiz.

Proposed solution:

Give instructors the ability to lock and unlock an open (available) quizzes with a single click. Might be nice to allow instructors to add a text explanation of why the quiz was locked as well for full transparency.

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The feature that the above user has mentioned works best for those students that are absent. As a teacher, you do not want a student who is absent to log onto Canvas and be able to take the quiz remotely at the same time as the other students are taking theirs in class. Having the lock feature allowed the teacher to manually unlock ONLY those students who were present in their class. The absent students would then be locked out and could NOT attempt to take it while they are at home. 

By setting the dates, that will lock ALL students out or allow ALL students access. 

Could you make a quiz and then assign it to those students present that day--- yes, but it is MUCH more cumbersome and takes a lot of time out of class as students arrive. 

The feature to lock and manually unlock quizzes in Canvas new quizzes is absolutely essential. 

Community Coach
Community Coach

Whoa, I didn't even know this was a feature in Classic quizzes.   And both scenarios presented are useful!   I wouldn't want this feature to be lost in New Quizzes.

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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Added to Theme