[New Quizzes] Attached questions stay fixed to stimulus in item bank

What I want to be able to do is attach questions to a stimulus, then create an item bank of the stimuli with the associated questions fixed to each specific stimuli, to randomise the questions. This feature would really provide more robust, deep learning assessment.


Currently,  with Item Banks and New Quizzes in general, they will always save as separate pieces instead of one cohesive whole since Stimuli and Questions themselves are separate in the system. 

Community Member

I would like to chime in that I want this feature as well. It would be a game-changer to be able to randomly assign a stimulus and the questions attached to it (or even a random amount of associated questions). I would be using this to assign reading passages or poems with associated questions for literature instruction.

Community Participant

We are trying to create quizzes in the new format that pull in random "question sets".  We use a stimulus with multiple subquestions - and right now they are not linked in the question banks. This makes adding a stimulus and questions to an item bank pretty useless. 

Ideally questions are directly linked to a stimulus so when an instructor is creating a quiz with random questions - the entire "set" is pulled into a quiz. 

Community Member

Please add this feature. Stimulus questions are amazing, but rendered completely useless without them being attached to their sub-questions in an item bank.

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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Added to Theme
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Problem statement:

When a stimulus is added to a quiz and questions are associated with it, item banking the items dissociates the question from the stimulus. If you are pulling from a bank you need to know to pull the stimulus with certain questions.

Proposed solution:

When sharing banks across multiple courses there is no way to easily identify which questions should have a stimulus associated with it. The solution would be that the question would be linked in the item bank to the stimulus so the stimulus is added to the quiz when the question gets added. Or, alternatively, you add the stimulus and then choose which associated questions will come with it.

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