[New Quizzes] Download Quiz Statistics

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS


Currently, there is no way to download or even print the entire Item analysis report from the new quiz feature in Canvas. This is a really useful feature that the original quizzes held. Please add this feature to the new Quizzes feature.

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Community Explorer

Better and easier to use statistics would definitely be helpful. We have also had an instructor ask about a column in the quiz analysis report that indicates how many questions a student submitted. We opened a ticket with Canvas and were directed to submit an idea request "to included the number of correct and incorrect answers for each student with the item or student analysis report that can be downloaded for quizzes," but I think this functionality would be related to this idea request, so we are adding our comments here and upvoting this feature idea.

Community Explorer

This is an essential feature.  We need this data for many types of report in our institution,

Community Member

Being able to download actual responses to questions in quizzes is critical for short answer grading outside of Canvas for several of our small and large-enrollment courses. There are aspects of short answer grading that are not accounted for by any LMS. 

Community Member

I agree with others that it is critical for faculty to have the ability to download student responses in a spreadsheet. I along with others in my Department use a software program to grade student answers and assign partial credit. As mentioned by someone else, there are aspects of short answer grading that are not accounted for by Canvas. It is imperative for us to be able to download student responses to an excel spreadsheet.


Community Member

Yes! I'd love a mechanism by which a teacher can download and digitally archive tests students have taken.  This is useful for analyzing responses for test development for future use, as well as record keeping and documentation for accreditation purposes.

Community Member

I wish I'd known this wasn't a feature before I spent hours creating my final exam. Now I have to go through 127 quizzes of 34 questions each to do my own analysis. Please update this!

Community Member

I feel that in New Quizzes you should be able to generate a PDF report of the item analysis with the student's score instead of having to screenshot a question or two at a time.  We need to save time! 

Community Participant

We are also very dependent on export of quiz statistics.  Would very much like to see an export option.

Community Contributor

Has there been any development on this as I feel this is a significant missing element in this new tool.

Having the ability to download the responses is very important  

Community Contributor

I was hoping that we would have a resolution on this request by now, but I still cant see any way of getting the submitted responses downloded.

This is a real pain in the *&^ now that we are moving towards fully integrating Canvas with our other systems, I need a way of extracing this sort of information so it can be used for external moderation and consistance reviews.

Come on when will we see it......