[New Quizzes] Export to or Share in Commons

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Problem statement:

Current Instructure documentation states that New Quizzes cannot be imported from Canvas Commons (source: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Commons/How-do-I-import-and-view-a-Commons-resource-in-Can....) This limits the usefulness of both New Quizzes and Commons to not be able to share these specific resource types there.

Proposed solution:

New Quizzes and Canvas Commons should be fully compatible. Instructors should be able to share New Quizzes to Commons and then also import items from Commons that contain New Quizzes.

User role(s):


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@KeithConsol  When they're available, you'll receive updates on the case at the email address associated with your Canvas account.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

...and we will also post an update to this page, @KeithConsol . We appreciate your kind words, and thanks again for taking the time to work with us.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread. We've changed the stage back to Open for Conversation so we can continue to collect comments and ratings from interested members. Please continue to follow  Sunsetting Classic Quizzes Q&A for updates, and post your specific questions about using New Quizzes in the New Quizzes User Group.

Community Explorer

Hi there, We would also like to export item banks. For us it would be very helpful to export all questions of an item bank as a pdf file or csv to make it easy readable to our lecturers. Unfortunately many of them are not used to Canvas and item banks are build up by their assistants, but proof reading is necessary by the lecturer.


Community Member

I was informed by Canvas that migrating New Quizzes across Canvas regions is not possible at this time.  

I did manually migrate (copy / paste) probably over 50 quizzes from one instance of Canvas to another instance. 

I know New Quizzes have more options than legacy quizzes.  Legacy Quizzes do migrate across Canvas regions.

Would it be possible to do a partial migration?  Migrate the questions that can be migrated?  Quiz settings don't need to be migrated.  Changing the settings is easy.  At least this way, a migration can get maybe 75% of what someone needs instead of 0?  

Just an idea.

Community Participant

Hello all,

Our institution encountered the same issue where New Quizzes were not able to be exported across different instances of Canvas, regardless of whether the 2 instances were in the same region or not. 

The workaround we did was: 

  1. Recreate the New Quizzes (NQ) as Classic Quizzes (CQ) in our demo shell (Instance 1).
  2. Export course from Canvas demo shell (not quiz, entire course).
  3. Import the course file into Canvas (Instance 2).
  4. Once in Canvas (Instance 2), we migrated all CQ to NQ.
  5. Create Item Bank (IB) for NQ.
  6. Went to each question in NQ and move it to the IB.
  7. Then created the final exam from the questions in the IB.
  8. Remove all of the broken NQ links on the Module page.
  9. Relink all of the quizzes on the Module page.
  10. Remove all of the CQ and broken NQ links from the Assignments page.
  11. Check all NQ to verify they worked.

We tried importing the quizzes into the IB, but that solution didn’t work. Ultimately, we tried every automation possible before resulting to this manual solution.

We hope this information helps you as others create courses using NQ.

Community Member

 Does anyone have a fix for converting existing question banks into item banks?

I have tried migrating the quizzes from the old format to the new, but the migrated quiz ends up without any questions. 

I have tried creating quizzes and exporting the banks that way, but there is no option that i can find to import the quizzes as item banks. 

I have a large number of question banks- and it would be near impossible to recreate them all as item banks from scratch.

Community Participant

I see from this thread, that it was created on April 17th. 2020. It is now almost two years later.

Instructure support confirmed to me today, that this is still unresolved.

"Unfortunately, at this moment New Quizzes do not support import between different instances, causing an import error. There is no really a workaround for that at the point. I am really sorry for inconvenience!" 

This is not good enough, Instructure...

Community Participant

This is really unacceptable that there still is not a solution to this. If you have been pushing everyone to migrate and pushing that Classic Quizzes will sunset then people have listened and begun those migrations and now we end up with extra work and stuck because we can't move New Quizzes from one instance to another. In my case our instance needs to move regions (somehow we are on a region that makes no sense) so we can enter a trusted relationship with another instance but when we do that we will lose ALL New Quiz data, questions and everything. This is completely unacceptable. This needs to be a much higher priority for the New Quiz group. This is a core functionality of an LMS, assessing student learning. By not being about to meet this need it makes it really hard to see why Canvas is a better LMS than any other out there. The whole reason why I love Canvas is that is has always felt focused on students and educators. This does not feel focused on students and educators. This is a very frustrating way to add a lot of extra work and not meeting your students and educator needs. I have tried so hard to be understanding that New Quizzes has its quirks... this is way more than a quirk this a full stop roadblock... 

Community Member

I changed jobs and lost years of work because I couldn't export new quiz questions. I also couldn't change the new quiz questions to old quiz questions so that I could export them. I called Canvas support and they said the only way to take my questions is to manually retype all of them. That's not a viable option. I would not have used New Quizzes if I had known this would happen.

Canvas says they are going to fix this at some point, but it needs to be fixed right away.