[New Quizzes] Filter Moderate Quiz Page

Would it be possible to add a feature on the moderate quiz page on canvas so you could filter by section?

Thank you!

Community Member

Teachers (especially in high school) should have an option, in new quizzes, to moderate individual classes. Presently, viewing all students is the only available option. It would be much easier to monitor classes during a quiz if there was a option to filter by section and have the ability to view one class at a time. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Moderating


Thanks for sharing this idea. By "individual classes," do you mean sections or cross-listed sections within the same course? If so, would you please edit the idea to reflect that ("filter by section") so that it is consistent with Canvas terminology? That will help our members more effectively assess the problem statement.

Community Member

Edited. Thank you for your help.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open

Thanks for making that edit! We've moved this idea forward for further discussion.

Community Explorer

In a Cross-Listed course, the Moderate Quiz page needs a filter option. When I'm moderating my 1st period class, I need to see ONLY that section, not all three sections in the course - so that I can quickly tell who is IN class and doesn't have the quiz open yet.

Community Explorer

How long until Classic Quizzes is no longer available? I'm not thrilled with having to learn yet ANOTHER new thing this year, but if I'm going to have to, I need to know when it will be necessary.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@donnahunter Here's the link to the timeline: New Quizzes Timeline Overview

Community Explorer

Thank goodness! So I can keep using Classic quizzes for the rest of this school year.

So, back to my original request. Sure would be nice if, for the next 8 months, we could have a filter option in Moderate Quizzes.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Our product teams are no longer developing new functionality on the code base for Old (Classic) Quizzes, as it will be deprecated early next year.

Community Member

This would be extremely valuable, especially now during remote learning. I frequently have students complete a quiz before they exit class or during the lesson to get a general idea of their understanding. A section filter would give me immediate feedback on the students that are struggling and allow me to modify my lesson on the fly instead of having to page through to see which students did well and which did not.