[New Quizzes] New Quizzes Question Type - Drawing

Many of our fully-online courses (particularly in science and math) require that students draw a diagram or process in their assessments, and when combined with proctoring tools, this becomes a complicated process.  The current workaround is that students download a PDF as a question type within a proctored exam and submit this later as an assignment submission, but there are many technological and time-consuming issues with this process for both students and instructors, including confusion about the numerous steps, printing issues, scanning issues, uploading, file type errors, verifying that students completed the drawing within the time allotted, and others. 


This would be vastly improved and streamlined if instructors could simply create a "drawing" type question directly in Canvas where students would use a mouse or other device to input lines and text that would then be manually graded by the instructor.


It would be a very helpful function to allow instructors to annotate drawing corrections directly on the student's entry when grading.


Note: Quizzes.next currently presents a number of technological issues with our proctoring tools, and instructors have expressed that using a multiple choice question where students would simply recognize the correct drawing from a list is unacceptable for their learning outcomes.


drawing‌ hand drawing and drafting‌ free draw remote proctoring math‌ science online science labs online learning experince #onlinelearning‌ simplifying quiz‌ exam question

Community Member

I agree with all of these comments. I teach Physics and Chemistry and have been asking for this for a long time with Canvas. I would love to actually utilize the Quiz features in Canvas, but I simply cannot "fool" myself into thinking that them selecting the right answer in any way shows that they know how to get to the answer, which is much more important. There is simply no good way to show work through Canvas. This has been one of its major downfalls for math, science, engineering, etc. I have a handful of teachers who have continued to lobby against utilizing Canvas for this one reason. In this "new" normal that we live in, all teachers are working harder than they already were. With all of the technological capabilities out there, this single request shouldn't pose such a problem. Yet it remains a request that has yet to be implemented. Please Canvas... make this happen. This would be a game-changer for so many teachers out there. It would give me a reason to actually like Canvas instead of just use it because our district pays for it... 

Community Member

Having this option in all areas of canvas for math teachers would be amazing.  Math requires showing work. If students could do that on a quiz, OMG blow my mind game changing stuff.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

Community Explorer

Yes, please. Another math teacher here.

Community Explorer

I fully support this idea, which would also be useful for Secondary level Physics classes to draw force diagrams, annotate, etc.

Community Explorer

This would be very useful!

Community Member

This original post speaks of being able to draw lines and such.  I would like students to be able to free draw in color.  Many of our K-2 teachers are linking Canvas pages to Seesaw simply because the students can't easily write or color on an assignment.

Community Member

Simple drawing tools (primitives: Line, Box, Oval) would be a giant step in being able to communicate nonverbally. 

Is the problem through-put? I have constant failures to load (502 Bad Gateway), drawings over jpgs that fail to save without notice, routinely slow loading and reloading of images, and generally poor response from the few tools that do exist. 

This also points to poor version control, where Assignment resubmissions wipe out previous entries and associated comments (from teachers and peers, much less visitors) and don't retain date stamps. 

Considering the age of this thread and the fundamental functionality at issue, I'm afraid Canvas just isn't built for iterative communications ("learning"). That dog won't hunt.

Community Member


Community Member

Any drawing functionality, please!

Community Participant

This is an awesome idea!!!