[New Quizzes] Rich Content Editor (RCE) for Matching Question Types

The Rich Content Editor (RCE) is available to use in *most* quiz question types, but not Matching questions. A lot of our instructors would like to use images, or bold/italicize text, or use other options in quiz answers, and without the RCE they are not able to do that. It needs to be available to use in ALL quiz questions types.


As an example, some of our IT instructors would like to be able to use Matching questions, and have students match an icon with a term/definition. Without being able to use the RCE for the answer spaces, this is not possible.


Please consider making the RCE available for ALL quiz question types.

Added to Theme

Build dynamic question types Theme Status: Identified

Community Member

Please please add the Math Quill option to the matching type of question in the pairs and distractors.  Math teachers cannot use the current NEW Quizzes matching option without some type of math type ability.

Community Member

Matching questions in Canvas new quizzes should have MathQuill as an option. It's hard to use for math without this tool for this type of question. 

Community Contributor

For our language courses, it would also really be helpful if there were an option to add pictures to the matching exercise. Right now, or workaround is to put the pictures in the question (with classic quizzes) or in the stimulus (with new quizzes), label each picture with a letter and then ask students to match the letters to the correct words/phrases.

A lot of our teachers have asked about the possibility to include pictures and RCE in the matching exercise, so we hope it is still being considered.

Community Participant

Looking at this thread of needs in the New Quiz tool how Instructure does not leave our faculty without features like the images and links to audio and video in matching questions types!

It is difficult to promote moving to a new tool when it lacks functionality already present in existing tools.

Community Novice

This would be very helpful!

Community Member

Can you add the rich editor to the matching quiz? This will enable us to add pictures to the quiz.

Community Participant

Now August 2021 and still not a feature.
It would be great in categorization too.

Maybe in another 6-7 years?

Community Member

Almost 7 years later and this still has not been implemented. This is the surely low hanging fruit of feature implementation. I can insert an emoji into this text box 😠 (how educational is that?) but not an equation.


I want to be able to use LaTeX like formatting in any type of answer field.  It is possible in the question stem field so roll it out ALL answer fields.


I teach chemistry and the ability to use subscripts, superscripts and arrows is a must.  I can't even show you my usage properly here but here is a LaTeX example of what I would like to achieve:

\(N_2 + 3 H_2 \rightarrow 2 NH_3\)


\(\Delta_r^0 H = 300~kJ\ mol^{-1}\)

Community Member

Adding a comment as well since I am patiently waiting on this implementation.

It is difficult to support STEM courses such as General Chemistry and Math without being able to utilize all the New Quiz features. It involves multiple workarounds to create matching questions with equations, elements/compounds that involve sub and superscript or images. 

Is there any way to upvote this feature as it will assist with more accessible questions as well? The workarounds definitely are not helpful for screen readers, etc.

Community Explorer

I am just chiming in here that faculty at our small university have requested this as well - the ability to type LaTeX in all parts of a matching question, not just question stem. Thanks!