[New Quizzes] Show and Hide Quiz Results by Date

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

Allow a show/hide date range for the "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses (Incorrect Questions Will Be Marked in Student Feedback)" quiz setting.

In order to maintain test security, instructors often want to limit students from viewing their quiz results until after the due date for the quiz has passed.  Currently, the correct answers can be set to be shown and hidden on given dates, but students will still be able to see the questions, their responses, incorrect answers, and feedback prior to this date, and if an instructor wants students only to be able to see their results but not correct answers, the only way to do this is to uncheck the "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses" option then manually go back and enable it once the due date (or other chosen date) has passed.

Please add a date range selector like the one that is there for Let Students See the Correct Answers: 

Screenshot of the quiz settings with date range selector for the Let Students See Their Quiz Results option

Community Explorer

Yes. All this. Obviously New Quizzes has many good features, and the fact that it's LACKING such a crucial pedagogical feature as allowing students to see the correct answers at a time chosen by the instructor makes zero sense. (I wasted hours last night, before I implemented New Quizzes, trying to figure out how to randomize the order of questions with different point values in the old version of quizzes, which turned out to be impossible. Today, after implementing New Quizzes and rewriting my quiz, I've wasted an hour trying to figure out how to let my students see the correct answers after the due date, incorrectly assuming that such an obvious feature -- that previously existed -- would still exist and I must just be missing something.)

Community Participant

Please add this feature.  I, too, thought students could not see anything other than their raw score before the "show correct answers after" date.   We need 'show" and "hide" abilities on quizzes!

Community Participant

It would be helpful if, when I adjust dates in a rollover course, if the "Show Correct Answers Only After" date would shift along with the quiz due date.  I just realized that the rollover course I had from last fall still had last fall's "Show Correct Answers After" dates on all of the quizzes even though Canvas had updated the due dates for all of the quizzes.  Thus, my students were able to see the correct answers immediately (and share those with friends in the class).  

Is this possible? 

Community Explorer

Scenario: Weekly quiz that Students take on a Sunday (Teacher wants results view restricted fully until they manually post the marks on a Tuesday morning), then they want Students to be able to access their marks and feedback for the quiz.

Issue: At the moment, there is no way to fully hide Student results in New Quizzes then have those results completely available once you've manually posted the marks in the Gradebook. This means that we need to fully restrict Student results view in the quiz settings, then when ready, we need to post the marks in the Gradebook, then we need to go back into the quiz settings and change the results view setting so that Students can see their feedback on the chosen day that you post the marks.

Potential: Setting so that all results view are restricted when you want them to be, then when you post the marks manually, the results and feedback and posted with the marks.

Community Explorer

This would be immensely helpfull! A lot of our teachers use this in Classical Quizzes and are unwilling to transfer to New Quizzes because of this functionality.  

Community Participant

Agree that New Quizzes needs to incorporate this useful feature!

Community Participant

Absolutely essential for self-paced online courses.  Can't imagine not having it.

Community Member

I met with two instructors today who also want this feature request implemented.

Community Explorer

I used the show correct answers after a due date had passed, too. I have no control over that now with the New Quizzes feature.

Since I can still use "classic quizzes", where I can better control what my students see, I won't be using the New Quizzes. I can't complain enough about it. Boo! 👎

But, since it is apparent that New Quizzes will be implemented as classic is phased out, I would really like the show and hide student answers feature in classic to be used in New Quizzes. I really feel like the New Quizzes are clunky and much less user friendly that the classic quizzes.

While I'm at it, what happened to the link feature in the RCE in New Quizzes? I know there's no RCE, but the link button just gives an option for an outside link. If I need an internal course link, I have to use a workaround to try to make it work.

Community Explorer

I should add that my students thought that my failure to let them see the correct answers automatically after the deadline passed was because I hadn't thought of it (even though I did it manually when I could, not always right away given extended deadlines for some students), and they commented on it in my evaluations for the course. This is simply antithetical to the whole idea of formative testing -- and Canvas should honestly be ashamed of itself that the need for this feature to be reinstated wasn't even included in the roadmap poll.
