[New Quizzes] Show and Hide Quiz Results by Date

This idea has been developed and is On Canvas Beta •  How do I access the Canvas beta environment?

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2024-10-19) 

Allow a show/hide date range for the "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses (Incorrect Questions Will Be Marked in Student Feedback)" quiz setting.

In order to maintain test security, instructors often want to limit students from viewing their quiz results until after the due date for the quiz has passed.  Currently, the correct answers can be set to be shown and hidden on given dates, but students will still be able to see the questions, their responses, incorrect answers, and feedback prior to this date, and if an instructor wants students only to be able to see their results but not correct answers, the only way to do this is to uncheck the "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses" option then manually go back and enable it once the due date (or other chosen date) has passed.

Please add a date range selector like the one that is there for Let Students See the Correct Answers: 

Screenshot of the quiz settings with date range selector for the Let Students See Their Quiz Results option

Community Explorer
Problem statement:

In Classic Quizzes faculty are able to select "Let Students See The Correct Answers" and "Show Correct Answers at" followed by a release date. This functionality is currently not available in New Quizzes. Instead, faculty have to go back into Settings and toggle "Restrict student result view."

Proposed solution:

Please add a quiz results release date functionality to New Quizzes! Having faculty manually go into each New Quiz and change the toggle (and then having to remember to reset it before they copy their course the next term) is a good way to induce errors in the quizzing process and can potentially lead to issues of academic integrity.

User role(s):


Community Explorer
Problem statement:

This feature is not selectable in New Quizzes. This option is only selectable in Classic quizzes: At this time in New Quizzes you have to edit the test settings and availability so that students can see the correct or incorrect answers of the test, and then edit it again to restrict the students’ result.

Proposed solution:

EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: We would like to add this feature so the teacher can select when to show the correct answer (since MM/DD/YY to MM/DD/YY) in New Quizzes. Related to this issue: we would like a selectable feature to restrict the above configuration in students who have not submitted the exam so they cannot view the correct answers.

User role(s):


Community Explorer
Problem statement:

Faculty are frustrated about the Restrict student result view in New Quizzes because it does not have an option to automatically release more of the quiz results to students after the due date or a specific number of days have passed from the due date. Having to go back into settings and manually adjust the results each semester is a repetitive task that could be automated. For example, a faculty may not want students to see results from quiz 1 until 3 days after the due date has passed. This gives them time to review and regrade questions before releasing the results so students see an accurate score. This allows for a small window for extensions to occur with the knowledge the results have not been shared. This also relieves an added burden for faculty to remember to go back to change the setting so student can benefit from seeing their results later on in the semester.

Proposed solution:

Provide an option that when the due date has passed or passed by x amount of days the Restrict student result view setting changes for students. The change that occurs can be simply a different set of Restrict student result view options or toggling off the setting all together.

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

I have a big concern about the exam security. When previously I used D2L, after each exam the students 1) could see ONLY questions where they answered incorrectly, and 2) I was able to set the time during which they could see those questions (for example, 2 minutes). Now on canvas: 1) the students see ALL questions (both correct and incorrect), and 2) the time is unlimited. This creates a significant problem for the exam security. If a student has nothing else to do, he/she may memorize ALL questions and later put them on paper. There is no way to control this for me. I want to show the feedback to students, but it creates a HUGE problem.

Proposed solution:

The solution would be to set so that 1) the students see ONLY incorrectly answered questions and 2) ONLY for the time I decide (e.g. 2 minutes). Can canvas do anything about this? This is an exam security problem and a BIG one (on my opinion).

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: In Development
  Comments from Instructure


This feature is available in Beta. For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2024-10-19) 

How do I access the Canvas beta environment as an instructor?