[New Quizzes] Show option to share bank with course when adding bank questions to a quiz

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Problem statement:

Recently an option was added to the Item Bank creation modal was added that allows the bank creator to easily share the bank with the current course. This is an important step forward in the transparency of item bank sharing, but there is another use case when instructors/designers should be prompted to share the bank with the course--when an existing bank (which may have been created in a different course) is used to create a random draw section on the current course or to pull individual questions from. If a course has more than one instructor, the questions in this pre-existing bank will not be available to them to view or edit.

Proposed solution:

When an instructor uses an existing item bank that has not yet been shared with the course to pull individual questions or to create a random draw section, display an option to share the bank with the course so other instructors/designers can see and work with the bank.

User role(s):


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @leward , thank you for submitting an idea!  Would you be able to provide more clarification on your request?  When in the Build page for a quiz, if I click to add content from an Item Bank, the tray on the right side opens up with the list of Item Banks and these can be shared using the the sharing icon the same way that they can be shared when you open Item Banks from the Course page. 

The flow can be found in this article, How do I share an item bank in New Quizzes?.


Community Contributor

Let me try to clarify, @MPioRoda .  The community expressed considerable concern that  new item banks were not automatically shared with the course.  Instructure responded by adding a checkbox that makes it much easier to share new banks with the course.  

My suggestion is about existing item banks.  When an instructor pulls questions or creates a random draw section from an existing bank, it would be nice if they were presented with a similarly friendly option to share the bank with the current course while selecting the items as part of that workflow, rather than requiring a separate action.  This would be a proactive reminder that test authors in the current class do not already have access to the bank and give the current user an easy way to remedy the situation if they choose.  Obviously, the checkbox would be checked if the bank had alreadt been shared with the course.

Also, on a related topic, the current UI for sharing doesn't make it at all obvious that you can enter a course name in the "Share With" text box.  The prompt says, "Enter name or login id" suggesting that one should add information about a user, not a course.    Since the most common course sharing action be far will be sharing with the current course, it would be very helpful if prompt were updated AND a more expediant "share  with the current course" checkbox were added to the sharing dialog.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thanks, @leward , so you mean on after you open the item banks (the tray that opens up on the right side) and select the Item Bank, when you have that item bank open in the tray, to have a similar checkbox there to share the bank with course. For instance at the top around where the +All/Random button is located?

For the Share box, we're already looking on some UI changes to that as part of our Subaccounts work, so we can take a look at making that more clear.

Community Contributor

Yes, that's exactly it!  And of course, if the bank is already shared with the course, the checkbox should be checked.  So I suppose, unchecking it would unshare the bank with the course.

BTW, for some reason, I can't reply to this thread unless I first attempt to edit a previous post and then cancel.  The comment/reply option isn't visible in the default state of the page.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme
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  Comments from Instructure


This feature is available in Beta. For more information, please read through the

Canvas Release Notes (2023-09-16) 

How do I access the Canvas beta environment as an instructor?

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed
Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2023-09-16)