[New Quizzes] Show option to share bank with course when adding bank questions to a quiz
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas |
Recently an option was added to the Item Bank creation modal was added that allows the bank creator to easily share the bank with the current course. This is an important step forward in the transparency of item bank sharing, but there is another use case when instructors/designers should be prompted to share the bank with the course--when an existing bank (which may have been created in a different course) is used to create a random draw section on the current course or to pull individual questions from. If a course has more than one instructor, the questions in this pre-existing bank will not be available to them to view or edit.
When an instructor uses an existing item bank that has not yet been shared with the course to pull individual questions or to create a random draw section, display an option to share the bank with the course so other instructors/designers can see and work with the bank.