How do I share an item bank in New Quizzes?
You can share an item bank with another user in New Quizzes or to another Canvas course. Item banks can only be shared with users with a teacher, TA, or admin role.
You can choose to share an item bank with view or edit access. Sharing an item bank with view access only allows the user you share with to view the item bank. Sharing an item bank with edit access gives users full access to the item bank, including adding items to the bank, sharing or removing users from the bank, and deleting the bank.
- Canvas Admins can also manage access to item banks for an entire account.
- Instructors can share an item bank to the current course while creating the item bank.
- If given the permission by your institution, you can share item banks with sub-accounts.
- Item banks shared to a course are only viewable to admins or instructors enrolled in the course.
- Item banks shared to a user display in each of the courses in which they are enrolled as an instructor or TA.
- When a course is copied that includes a new quiz with an item bank, the item bank is shared with the new course automatically.
Open Item Banks

In Course Navigation, click the Item Banks link.
Share With Users

Enter the name of the user you want to share the item bank with in the Share With field [1]. Then click the name of the user [2]. You can add multiple users in the Share With field.
To set access rights for the item bank, click the Access drop-down menu [3]. You can share the item bank with view access, which only allows the user you share with to view the item bank, or edit access, which allows the user you share with to view and edit the item bank.
To share the item bank with the selected course, click the Add button [4].
Share with Courses

Enter the name of the course you want to share the item bank with in the Share With field [1]. Then click the name of the course [2]. You can add multiple courses in the Share With field.
To set access rights for the item bank, click the Access drop-down menu [3]. You can share the item bank with view access, which only allows the course you share with to view the item bank, or edit access, which allows the course you share with to view and edit the item bank.
To share the item bank with the selected course, click the Add button [4].
Share with Accounts

If given the permission by your institution, you can share item banks with sub-accounts.
Enter the name of the course you want to share the item bank with in the Share With field [1]. Then click the name of the sub-account [2]. You can add multiple sub-accounts in the Share With field.
To set access rights for the item bank, click the Access drop-down menu [3]. You can share the item bank with view access, which only allows the sub-account you share with to view the item bank, or edit access, which allows the sub-account you share with to view and edit the item bank.
To share the item bank with the selected sub-account, click the Add button [4].
View Currently Shared With

View the users, courses, and accounts who can view or manage the item bank [1].
To edit the item bank access, click the Access drop-down [2].
To remove a user's access from the item bank, click the Remove icon [3].
- You can remove any user from an item bank, including yourself.
- If you accidentally remove a user or course from an item bank, you can share with them again.
Save Changes

To save your changes and return to your item banks, click the Close button.