[New Quizzes] Within a quiz refine selection of bank questions by tag.

When we create a Bank type question in a quiz it will only select from the entire Item Bank. Please let us refine the selection with a tag. This would make so that we do not have to duplicate questions into multiple Item Banks.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
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Instructors can add tags to questions in New Quizzes item banks, and can search by tag when adding questions from the item bank to the assessment. This is described in more detail in  How do I add an item from an item bank to an asses...

Is this a request to be able to add items by searching across all item banks for those items with a specific tag?

Thanks for clarifying!

Community Participant

Hi Stefanie,

Thanks for such a quick response! When I click the "+ All/Random" button from the Item Bank it adds all questions from the bank into the quiz, even if I have typed tags into the Filter box. I would like to be able to add a pool of questions that match particular tags to a quiz from a single Item Bank.

When the quiz is generated for the student I want it to only give them questions from the Bank with the tags that I have indicated, as opposed to any question from the bank.

Thanks for your consideration!


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Thanks for the clarification! Yes, if the quiz creator clicks the +All/Random button, all of the items in the bank will be added to the assessment. However, I tried a different way: instead of clicking the +All/Random button, I clicked the Filters button and then entered my tag into the Tags and Metadata field. I was then able to select only those questions with the desired tag by clicking on the + sign at the upper left of each item (and the item bank modal stays open during the process).

Would that work?

Community Participant


Thanks for investigating this for me and spending the time to help me. Unfortunately the process you described would bypass the "random" selection that I desire. Ultimately I still want the system to select Random questions from an Item Bank at the moment that the quiz is generated for the student. I want to be able to refine that random selection with tags.

I'm sorry I realize that I was not clear in that I need the system to randomly select questions for each student.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Thanks for working with me to provide the clarification! We'll move this idea forward for broader discussion.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open
Community Member

In new quizzes, I do agree that some method of selecting a subset of questions and then using a random selection of these for exam, midterm, or final exams would be most helpful.

The reason for this is that currently for quizzes I typically use 10 randomly selected questions, perhaps from even 10 different item banks.  The problem comes with the more important exams where I would like to have a random selection of 25 questions from three or four weeks of quizzes.  

EITHER: The current structure requires a break down material into thought groups at the lowest level. I have no selectivity for use in random selection, if wanting a random selection, all questions in the item bank are used.  In this system, when putting together the exams, I would then like to be able to choose more than one item bank for a single randomly selected question or questions. This alternative requires an item bank for each quiz question (quite cumbersome, but workable)

OR: The other alternative, where a chapter item bank would not be broken down into individual item banks.  Rather there would be an ability to choose subgroups for a single question from a single item bank that would then be randomly selected for an exam question or questions.  This would have fewer item banks, but requires some method of identifying or selecting a subgroup of questions in the item bank that the random selection could then be made by the system. This would allow a higher level of grouping questions with subsets having either some method identification to allow selection of a subset of the item bank for randomly selected question(s). 


Community Participant

I believe this idea overlaps with the need presented here: New Quizzes: Select all/random questions from only... - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com) and I think aligns also with the need at my institution which would greatly benefit from being able to apply more logic to which question are chosen based on a tag.

Being able to choose a random number of questions based on their tags would greatly improve our user experience with item banks. 

Being able to choose questions that only have Tag A AND tag B would also give a lot more flexiblity with item banks.

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