[New Quizzes] include question (item) location (question / time bank) when downloading analytics data
Hi All
I have been speaking to a few colleagues about tracking locations of questions/items when reviewing quizzes and associated analytics.
We have several quizzes where questions are randomly selected or imported from item banks. The problem we have seen is sometimes the questions need review or correcting.
Tracking down exactly where the question are stored or located in which item bank can be quite time consuming. We were wondering whether it would be possible to include the location of the question and the export?
To give you an example of the problem we recently faced.
We had a quiz with 30 questions. each question is pulled in from a bank which contains 3 questions. So we have 90 questions across 30 banks.
When we review the analytics and student responses we spotted a mistake but tracking the location of the question would have be made much easier if its location was shown either on screen or in export.
The advantage is obvious as it would make tracking of questions much easier for moderation and updates.
Added to Theme
Increase search functionality and flexibility of questions in Item Banks Theme Status: Identified