[New Quizzes] print quizzes with more space for answers

Problem statement:

When printing quizzes, the space to write down answers to the questions is too small. Also, the RCE is appearing and that is not necessary.

Proposed solution:

Make sure the print option has enough space and no RCE so that the quizz can also be printed and used as a handwritten quizz when technical problems occur.

User role(s):


Added to Theme

Community Team
Community Team

Hi @canvas61 -

When I try to print an essay question, I can see how the box would be very small for an open-ended question.

However, with the RCE printing, I believe you can select to remove it in the options for the individual question (while editing the item).

Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 7.49.38 PM.png



Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme