[Notifications] Assignment and quiz submission notification/receipt/acknowledgement email to submitting student

Problem statement:

Students do not receive notification/confirmation/acknowledgement of receipt email when they make an assignment or quiz submission. This leads to some students not submitting and being unaware that they have yet to make a submission. It also leads to many emails to Canvas Operations asking for confirmation/acknowledgement of receipt once they have made a submission. I have turned on the Celebration Animation but a notification to students that a submission has been successfully received in universally an option in any other system, and one that can be by default activated for all students. If this is a functionality that already exists, that would align with service user expectations, but I simply cannot locate this in the Admin settings.

Proposed solution:

Please prioritise (before this year's exams 2023/24 season) the building of a notification/confirmation/acknowledgement of receipt email for all Assignments and Quizzes to be sent to all submitting students/apprentices etc./

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1 Comment
Community Member
Problem statement:

It is easy for learners to upload a file but fail to submit it - this could be mitigated in two ways

Proposed solution:

1) the NEXT button should be greyed out, making it impossible to click NEXT instead if SUBMIT - or a warning should be displayed indicating clearly to the student that the submission is NOT complete 2) we should have an option to notify learners and possibly another faculty or administrative team member of a successful submission, to include the course/module, the assignment, the names of the file(s) and of course a date & time stamp

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