[Notifications] Formatting of Announcement Notifications

It would be great to see more information in the announcement email notifications. At the moment, the formatting and images are all stripped from the notifications. The email notification also does not include information on who posted the announcement- it would be great if they included the poster and even the profile pic by default.


Could we please maintain formatting and images in email announcement notification?

Community Member

I second this. At present, the Canvas announcement notifications that go out to students and the poster in an email format strip off all the formatting like highlights, bolds, text color, images, and most importantly even the line breaks. Due to not having line breaks, the emails look like one big chunk of words and sentences. This might be a turn-off for a reader as well and they can ignore the email completely. Which can be problematic because many instructors convey their most important information only through announcements. There should be at least line breaks and availability of image attachments, if not any other formatting features, in the announcement email notifications. This request has been going on since 2016 and I am adding my comment to support this in 2022. It would be great to see if there was any development made on this until now!

Community Participant

Adding my voice to the many others saying that this is important functionality, especially since there is no warning given to the author of the announcement that formatting will be stripped in the email notification. Why have the RCE on Announcements if all the bells and whistles of thoughtfully formatted announcements are lost when they reach the place they're most likely to be seen??

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