[Outcomes] An outcomes report for entire class not just individual reports

At Skyline College faculty are required to assess outcomes on a regular basis. We do not look at individuals per se, but instead we look at the class as a whole and gather statistics about what percentage is achieving the outcome or not, etc.


Currently Canvas has only individual reports for outcomes. This means that for a class of 40 students the teacher has to run the report 40 times.


So we need a expedient way of getting the aggregate statistics for the whole class. We anonymize all data, so a report that yields anonymous outcomes results for the class as a whole would be awesome and time saving for us.


Accreditation is now asking for disaggregated data as well (so having this would be an additional level of awesomeness), but even if we can only get an aggregate outcomes report; that would be huge!



If anyone in the development team would like to discuss this in more detail please feel free to contact me.


Thank you for your consideration of this idea.



M. Ricardo Flores

Instructional Design & Technology

Center for Transformative Teaching & Learning

Skyline College


Community Novice

I reackon I would like this to be IN my school.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thank you all for the great dialogue. This feature is still under "gathering info" because it is part of a bigger outcomes reporting project. We are currently doing user interviews to ensure we are surfacing the right data, to the right folks, in the UI. Stay tuned for future updates!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This type of report will most likely be included once we starts our initiative to improve the outcome reporting. However, I don't believe that project will start until 2017. So at this time we archiving this feature idea. Stay tuned for future Canvas Studio updates.

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