[Outcomes] Update Decaying Average Outcome Calculation
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas |
The decaying average calculation method for outcomes, as defined in this user guide (https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Basics-Guide/What-are-Outcomes/ta-p/75), states "The Decaying Average calculation factors the average of all assessment items while weighing the most recent (current) submission to any assignment associated with this outcome at a higher percentage." The way this outcome is calculated uses the most recently submitted/graded score as the most recent score, rather than the score with the most recent due date. Many teachers collect late or makeup work and grade these after they are done grading all on-time submissions. Entering these scores after a more recent learning event inadvertently counts this makeup work more heavily than what should actually be weighted more. This conversation from the Canvas Community gives additional insight into this issue (https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Developers-Group/For-decaying-average-in-mastery-learning-...).
Please correct the decaying average calculation method to use the most recent due date, rather than the most recent submission/most recently graded score as the most recent artifact to count most heavily. An alternative would be the option for the teacher to choose when setting up their outcome to define most recent either as most recent due date or most recently graded entry.