[Outcomes] grading: average of top N scores

Problem statement:

Existing outcome grading options don't satisfy my requirements for measuring proficiency The existing "measure [n] times" grading won't show _anything_ until the student has _met_ proficiency N times. I need a lower proficiency level to show as soon as the first assessment is in. I want to measure the average of the top [n] proficiencies. In the meantime, I will probably use a straight average and allow students to revise/resubmit

Proposed solution:

I want to be able to take the average of the top [n] scores. It should show the score as soon as _any_ scores are submitted, average all of the scores until there are more than [n] scores, and then average only the best [n] scores. This allows students to show improvement over time, but doesn't hide information or overvalue recent-ness over proficiency. (one missed assignment late in the semester shouldn't erase 65% of the proficiency that was demonstrated. But the student also shouldn't be able to just ignore that proficiency after it is demonstrated once.)

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1 Comment
Status changed to: Added to Theme

Hi, @MsDelaney, thank you for sharing this idea with our Community. We've added it to the theme focused on broadening support for competency-based education initiatives.