[Peer Review] Have two due dates for peer review assignments

For assignments that are setup for peer review, it would be useful to have two different due dates:
  • One for the students initial submission that will be reviewed by their peers
  • A second one for completing assigned peer reviews


In the current implementation, there is only one due date, which appears to be the due date for a students initial submission.  I infer this from the fact that it is the default date for assigning peer reviews to students.  From what my students have told them, once peer reviews are assigned they show up on their to-do list, but are already late since the due date is the only date for the assignment.


I think a clearer implementation would be to have an additional due date for the peer reviews, so that they don't appear to be late as soon as they are assigned.

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Community Novice

I posted the original feature request. My solution is to embed a two-day grace period for the peer reviews. The assignment is open for them to complete peer reviews, but late assignment submittals receive a reduction in grade. I have to manually assign peers for the late submitters.

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Community Novice

Was just looking into peer reviews, this would be a nice feature. I see where the reviews get assigned with a start date, but it would be nice if right under that there was similar to the assignment itself a due date & an accept until or (late) date

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Community Team

The Radar idea stage has been removed from the Feature Idea Process.  You can read more about why in the blog post Adaptation: Feature Idea Process Changes.


This change will only impact the stage sort of this idea and will not change how it is voted on or how it is considered during prioritization activities.  This change will streamline the list of ideas 'open for voting', making it easier for you to see the true top voted ideas in one sort, here.

Community Member

Having a separate due date for peer reviews to be complete seems like a no brainer to me.  I'm trying to give an assignment where completing peer review on time counts for 20% of the grade.  I'm going to have to assess on-time submission manually (for ~100 students) since Canvas lacks a due date for peer review and therefore can't automatically tell me whether a student did it on time. 

Community Participant

James Jones just made a script for this. It works beautifully: just make sure to watch his video before you try it: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-14465-assigning-intra-group-peer-reviews 

Community Novice

Yes. Please. I have been wanting this for years. Can we please make this happen soon. 

Community Novice

Today is Oct 25, 2018 and this feature is not ready (3+ years). This is utterly ridiculous.

Community Team
Community Team


I'm sorry if you are frustrated.  There are many great ideas shared in this community, and some of which are very well liked (voted on).  You can find the list of the top 10% of voted ideas here if you want to see what those look like.  I share this with you not to discourage you, but to show you that there are many solutions we wish we could build.  Like any organization with a budget we have finite resources and have to prioritize and allocate within our budget.  We develop and release wicked fast, but even then ideas flow in at a faster rate than we can build solutions!  

I know that doesn't help with the hurdles you may be hitting in your processes, but I hope it helps build some mutual empathy.  If you want to know details about how ideas influence prioritization please have a look through the following!

Community Novice

I agree, particularly when a convoluted "Multiple Due Dates (checkpoints) for Discussions" is second on the list and this simple request to have separate dates for the assignment and peer reviews is stuck in a labyrinthian quagmire.  

Community Novice

and this is even worse, as it was on development and a screenshot was provided:

"I have good news about the ability to assign a peer review within groups or across groups (in a group set). This feature is currently in development and you can see a screenshot of the design here." @allison@instructure.com Employee
Jun 26, 2015 4:55 PM