[Peer Review] Have two due dates for peer review assignments

For assignments that are setup for peer review, it would be useful to have two different due dates:
  • One for the students initial submission that will be reviewed by their peers
  • A second one for completing assigned peer reviews


In the current implementation, there is only one due date, which appears to be the due date for a students initial submission.  I infer this from the fact that it is the default date for assigning peer reviews to students.  From what my students have told them, once peer reviews are assigned they show up on their to-do list, but are already late since the due date is the only date for the assignment.


I think a clearer implementation would be to have an additional due date for the peer reviews, so that they don't appear to be late as soon as they are assigned.

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Community Champion

I agree, Jonan. Most of my faculty have primary and reply postings that are required, and having the ability to set both dates would go a long way in cutting down on confusion for the students!

Community Novice
I have groups peer review other groups' work. Each group researches a different topic, so it is necessary to carefully assign reviews so they learn about complementary topics. I would very much like to see my comments on the original submission, and peer reviewers comments next to the final submission. That way I can see if students improved their work based on comments.
Community Novice

I am new to the peer review feature, and I love it! However, the whole goal of this effort is for me to read the quality of other students' peer comments before I grade the original work. If there is no way to assign a hard deadline (other than creating an event in the calendar--which is tedious), then the original submitter's grade waits. I usually have to e-mail the class at least two times with a reminder, and in a few cases, I've just given up and graded the original work without the peer review. I hope this adjustment is made! Ellen Bremen, Highline College

Community Novice

My colleague and I checked this out yesterday in a practice site, and the "Assign Reviews" is definitely for making a due date for when the peer reviews need to be completed. However, we found that besides the misleading name, this feature does not add this date to the calendar or to the assignment list, or notify the reviewer of the due date when they are in the peer review window. The only notification the reviewer gets is an email reminder (if that is set-up) and a reminder in the "To Do" list in the right side bar. Furthermore, the instructor has no way of knowing if the peer review was completed on time. Also, it makes no sense that if you don't set a due date for the review, that the default due date is the same as date the when original assignment is due. This gives no time for a reviewer to reflect or think through their review after they have just (most likely) submitted their own assignment. It also makes no sense that you can ONLY set a due date when Canvas automatically assigns review partners.

I even saw that this feature was explained incorrectly in a recent Lynda.com video course about Canvas.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

sruggenberg​, I have good news about the ability to assign a peer review within groups or across groups (in a group set). This feature is currently in development and you can see a screenshot of the design here.

Deactivated user​, the functionality you are describing, which allows you to easily review reviews before assigning your own grade is a workflow we are something we are also exploring right now. Adding a due date to reviews would make it even easier for the instructor to feel comfortable moving forward with his final evaluation and assigning the final grade.

 @mattcall ​, would it make more sense to rename the "Assign Reviews" field to "Reviews Due"? If we did, then I would also see us adding an event to the Calendar, Assignment, and Syllabus pages. Would that be overkill if a single course had, say, more than 15 Peer Review assignments?

I am also currently exploring ways that we can make peer review "To Do" notifications more visible and more persistent for students (i.e. they don't go away until the review is completed). This doesn't solve the multiple due dates problem completely, but it would make it easier for students to know that they still have reviews to do. Keep your ideas and use cases coming! These are all very helpful.

Community Novice


Yes, renaming the feature to Reviews Due or Peer Review Due Date would make it clear what the date is for. Even a Lynda.com video described this feature wrong, and the Canvas Guides documentation is currently unclear about its purpose.

From my perspective as an instructor and instructional consultant, any time an instructor wants the students to complete something, it just makes sense to add it to the Calendar, Assignments, etc. Students get used to consulting one of those areas for ALL their work due dates, and if something isn't there, they will miss it. It is helpful, I think, to be consistent with the design so that everyone's workflow is consistent wether you are an instructor or a student. I don't think the number of Reviews would be an issue any more than having lots of other assignments. If that info is displayed consistently throughout Canvas along with other due dates, then it is just one more thing for the student to take care of, just as any other assignment.

I also think it is absolutely necessary for an instructor who manually assigns Reviewers to also be able to set the Review Due Date.

Thanks for responding and checking in.

Community Champion

I am soooo happy to see this in the Gathering Info stage!! Can it be ready next week? Smiley Wink

Just kidding - assuming this eventually makes it to implementation, this will be a huge win and will avoid a lot of confusion. I agree with the comment above that this would also be valuable in the Discussion setup. If a feature request has not already been entered for this, I will do so now.

Community Champion

OK Deactivated user - I just checked on the Discussion feature request and there is one open for voting here. Just voted up - it is gaining some support so hopefully it will be looked at soon!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi all,

Just wanted to let the voters on this thread know that I have been busy collecting user stories for polishing Peer Review and the following three have emerged as our "finalists". I'm still working with engineers to estimate the effort required to complete these enhancements, but I would be interested to hear from you if you think that any of the other Peer Review feature requests outrank these:

1) As a teacher, I can set a due date for Peer Review Assignments that will appear in the Syllabus, Calendar, Assignments page, and on the Dashboard.

2) As a student, peer review assignment notifications appear in the “To Do” list and Activity Stream as persistent items that will not disappear until peer review requirements have been met.

3) As a teacher, I can enable the option to automatically distribute Peer Review assignments to all students on a specific date, whether or not they have submitted work.

I'm going to archive this request, since it is now officially on my radar. All three of these will make it to the next round of prioritization. My hope is that I can schedule one or more of these in between larger projects.

Thanks, all, for your feedback!

Community Contributor

Would be nice to have multiple rubrics along with that, As it is now, I believe that the reviewers and the instructor share the same rubric.