[Peer Review] Have two due dates for peer review assignments
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07:56 AM
For assignments that are setup for peer review, it would be useful to have two different due dates:
- One for the students initial submission that will be reviewed by their peers
- A second one for completing assigned peer reviews
In the current implementation, there is only one due date, which appears to be the due date for a students initial submission. I infer this from the fact that it is the default date for assigning peer reviews to students. From what my students have told them, once peer reviews are assigned they show up on their to-do list, but are already late since the due date is the only date for the assignment.
I think a clearer implementation would be to have an additional due date for the peer reviews, so that they don't appear to be late as soon as they are assigned.
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Enhance assignment rules and functionality Theme Status: Identified