[Peer Review] Have two due dates for peer review assignments

For assignments that are setup for peer review, it would be useful to have two different due dates:
  • One for the students initial submission that will be reviewed by their peers
  • A second one for completing assigned peer reviews


In the current implementation, there is only one due date, which appears to be the due date for a students initial submission.  I infer this from the fact that it is the default date for assigning peer reviews to students.  From what my students have told them, once peer reviews are assigned they show up on their to-do list, but are already late since the due date is the only date for the assignment.


I think a clearer implementation would be to have an additional due date for the peer reviews, so that they don't appear to be late as soon as they are assigned.

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This is would be extremely helpful.

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Since we are unable to set due dates for students to complete their assigned peer reviews, I have set the "available until" date to use as the due date. However, I found out that students can still submit an assigned peer review for a discussion after the "available until" date has elapsed. Is this correct functionality? I thought/hoped that the discussion AND assigned peer reviews would be locked after the "available until" date has elapsed.

Peer review is a great feature. Unfortunately, the execution to enforce timely peer reviews on Canvas appears to be a total mess.

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I need this not just for peer review but for anytime my students make corrections to an assignment. I need to be able to see if they submitted their first draft on time, but then I want them to be able to resubmit with corrections to improve their grade later without the assignment being marked as late. If I change the due date to the revision due date, then the students who did submit the first draft late are no longer marked as late. 

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Voted this up, too!

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Wow!! This board has been around for quite some time! And still no change to the peer review and discussion boards..? 😕

I absolutely agree and want to second 2 points: 

  1. It would be very useful for students if discussion boards and peer reviews could have 2 due dates. 
  2. It would be sooo useful to be able to assign peer reviews to students within the same instructor created group. (I do all my discussion boards in smaller groups of 10-15 to make the class a little more intimate and so it's easier to get to know peers. But students are bummed they can't guarantee they'll peer review with a groupmate. For my end of things, I like doing the "automatically assign" so I don't miss anyone and so peer reviews get assigned more quickly to everyone who has submitted). 

It would be great to see these changes since so many more instructors are on Canvas using these features! 👍

Community Explorer

Yes please. 

Community Member

Yes!! I have just been emailing all day bc half my class forgot to post their feedback (this is our first PR in a freshman English class--we're learning!). It would save me and them lots of time if we could post 2 due dates, and I agree with the same process for discussions as well. 

Also, limiting PRs to those in the same group would be super helpful!! 

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