[Peer Reviews] Allow a "no submission" or "on paper" assignment

Problem statement:

I have an instructor who would like to use the peer review function in an assignment for students to evaluate their team members. The evaluation is for participation, so the assignment would have no submission.

Proposed solution:

We should be able to create a “No Submission” or “On Paper” submission type with a required peer reviews checked. Then students can go to the assignment and enter peer reviews for the students that were assigned to them. Right now, students are required to submit the assignment before they can complete a peer review. The suggested workaround was to preemptively enter grades for the students, so it would trigger the Peer Reviews feature. This seems extraneous, Peers Reviews should trigger with the due date, not dependent on an online submission.

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Added to Theme

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Community Member
Problem statement:

Hello Canvas Development Team, I am a system administrator and have received feedback from a teacher using the platform. They had an idea for a new feature in the Peer Review function of Assignments. Specifically, they would like the option to enable Peer Review without requiring students to submit their work beforehand. The teacher's activities are primarily fieldwork-based, so there is no need for digital submissions. However, they would still like to utilize the course Gradebook to collect peer assessment scores for group activities. This would be a valuable addition for courses where physical participation and non-digital assignments are the focus, yet still require peer review. I kindly request you to consider this feature for future development. Best regards.

Proposed solution:

I would like to suggest an enhancement to the current Peer Review functionality in Assignments based on feedback from a teacher. The suggestion is to allow the Peer Review feature to be used even when students do not submit any work to the system. This would greatly benefit courses where digital submission is not a key part of the activities, but peer evaluation is still important. I appreciate your consideration of this request for future development.

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