[Permissions] - moderate permission for Groups

To better support student-led discussions, and discussions led by individuals with a student-based role, Canvas should add the ability to post/participate in Group discussions for a group the individual may not be assigned to.

We created a 'Coach' role based on the student role to streamline the user experience for these individuals (the TA role still sees all hidden course navigation items). While we can give them the Groups - view all student groups permission, they cannot participate in any of the discussions in the group areas except for a single group to which they may be assigned. This could also likely be solved by allowing individuals to be assigned to multiple student groups within the same Group Set, but that presents other issues. 

Please consider adding the ability to post/participate in ANY Group discussions to the Discussions - moderate permission.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open
Community Member

Hello! It would be nice to be able to have discussions between groups and not just discussions between the group members themselves. We would like groups to give feedback as a group to other groups in the class. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open
Community Novice

It would be really helpful if Canvas would allow students to be assigned to more than one discussion group per discussion topic. For example, in Discussion 1, I want students to post in their assigned group (Group 1), and then respond in their own group (Group 1) and another Group (Group 2). There's no way to do this without creating multiple discussions and that's super confusing. Please allow instructors to duplicate names across discussion groups for enhanced engagement.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Will Not Consider

Thank you for sharing this idea with the Instructure Community!

With the release of the Announcements/Discussions Redesign, the Product Team reviewed some related feature proposals, and unfortunately, this request was identified as one that they would not be able to include in their current or future plans. While we appreciate your proposal, we also want to be transparent about the likelihood of something like this making it to production.

Thank you for collaborating, and we hope that you submit another idea in the future!