Printable / PDF-exportable quizzes

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
The Quiz Build page provides quiz printing options. For more information, please read through the  Canvas Release Notes (2021-08-21).

As an instructor, I want to be able to export a Canvas quiz as a PDF. This would enable me to easily print quizzes for the purpose of accommodation, for allowing a given student to take a quiz outside the timeframe established for the quiz for all other students, etc.


transferred from the old Community

Originally posted by: Pacific Union College admins

Special thanks for contributions from: Betsy Walker, John Louviere



Community Team Note: This idea remains open for voting. A virtually identical idea was moved forward for consideration in March:  Contrary to our customary practice, we are allowing both ideas to continue to move forward. Votes and feedback from both ideas will be evaluated.

Community Participant

This is becoming an importance as more classes turn to Canvas for daily activities like quizzes/exams.  I would also add that the PDF created needs to be accessible to screen readers

Community Member

I have students who have accommodations that all tests should be paper/pencil, but I have a mandate to use Canvas to assess. Why haven't you fixed this yet?! Unreal.    

Community Champion

I agree that this is a problem, but have you tried getting the accommodations people (disability office or whoever) in touch with the "must use Canvas to assess" people and getting them to duke it out between themselves and let you know what they figure out?

I had to do that once many years ago when I was given an incredibly awkward bowling alley of a classroom with only 4 first-row seats, and also had more than 4 students with accommodations stating that they must be given a first row seat. (They eventually moved that class to a more reasonably-shaped room.)

I've copied and pasted all of my Canvas tests into Word and done a bunch of re-formatting on them, but it is not a fast process and if I were told to do it for just one student as an accommodation I'd try asking the Disability Office for the clerical support of one of their staff doing it on that student's behalf, if that's possible in your context. (I decided to go with paper tests for all of my summative proctored exams, partially to make it harder for students to look up answers and mostly because I wanted to ask questions that involved showing their work, drawing diagrams, and graphing things.)

Community Novice

I have been able to convert my quizzes to adobe pdf.  Then inside Adobe I can ask it to print 4 pages on a single sheet of paper which then reduces the number of pages from 22 to 6.  If you are using these for accomodations 4 pages per sheeet makes the letters a bit small but you can print as is or just 2 pages per sheet. It's not pretty as questions can be broken by a page break but that was true in d2l as well. It gets the job done.

Community Member

Sorry, you've been able to do this from How?

Community Novice

Having a way to produce a printable version of a quiz would be a great help. We need this for two reasons

- paper backup for when there are technical issues during an invigilated test (internet down, student forgets password, blackout etc.)

- a printable copy of questions and answers for markers of short answer question tests

thanks Smiley Happy

Community Participant

From an equitable/accessible standpoint I think this would be a fantastic feature but, like many, would require some detailed thought before implementation. I know of many cases it would be useful for my students however and am giving it a vote.


Community Novice

You need to be able to print your exam that you designed.  For example, say you start the examination a students computer doesn't work  you need a back up plan.  The back up plan is printed copies of the examination absent the answers.  This fix is a must.   John May Ave Maria University.

Community Novice

great idea

Community Novice

Sorry, I'm not following this discussion much. Here's what I do.

I preview the quiz, then in the upper right hand corner of my version of Firefox is an adobe pdf symbol. Click on it and it says "Convert webpage to PDF" and I choose that. Alternatively, I can right click and choose convert page to adobe pdf.  It isn't beautiful as it can separate a question from the answer selections and worse it can separate just one answer selection from the question, while the rest are right there.  I don't need for my quizzes to be pretty so I haven't messed about with ways to make quizzes more beautiful.

Hope that helps.