Quiz Review; Show Students Their Answes w/o Right/Wrong

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
The Quiz Options Settings--Responses, can be misleading to our faculty.  Hence, it was often selected incorrect by our faculty.  Please refer to the attached file regarding a better resolution.

Thanks for your consideration.



Sue Yeo
Instructional Designer
Mount Carmel College of Nursing
127 S Davis Ave Columbus, OH 43222
614.234.1590 Office 614.234.2875 Fax


[Instructure Edit, March 3rd, 2016)

Quote inline below, "...the issue is that by letting students see their quiz responses they automatically (even if show the correct answer is unchecked) will see which questions they got INCORRECT. Which might not tell them which answer is correct (unless it's T/F), but definitely does more than just show which answer the student selected for each quiz question/response to an essay. In general this is confusing and it would be nice if the box just allowed students to see their responses and not if they got the answer incorrect or not."

Comments from Instructure

For more information, please read through the https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-16291-canvas-release-notes-2019-02-16 .

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @syeo , you might be interested in the comments around this feature idea, which received a large number of votes. Although the feature idea currently archived, it did receive a promising response from Instructure that implies it might ultimately be part of theModern Quizzing Engine quiz tool overhaul:


As Stefanie correctly refers to, we are in the process of creating a new quizzing engine.  This project has a lot of exciting potential but just to be clear we can't guarantee at this point which individual features will make it into the finished project or first release.  Smiley Happy

Community Novice

I'd like to piggyback on the present request with related request:  that general comments for essays not show before the date specified for answers to be revealed to students.

Community Team
Community Team
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas 

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2019-02-16) .

Community Team
Community Team

 @syeo  Thank You  for submitting this idea, as well as,  @kona  Thank You , carol.thompson1 Thank You ,  @kfortin  Thank You , &  @dolan  Thank You  for your contributions. Your investment in this idea helped refine a feature which is now part of Canvas!

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed