[Reports] Include custom enrollment start and end dates in reports and UI
Once uploaded via SIS import anyway the only way to query the enrolment dates is via API (querying for example /api/v1/courses/courseId/enrollments) Enrolment dates are missing from:
- UI: TCs/Teachers cannot see if any override has been applied to student enrolment
- Reports: Missing enrolment dates in the enrolment provisioning report make also impossible to download and re-upload the report to make changes (e.g. re-activate enrolments), as this would blank any start/end date previously set
- Documentation: documentation about enrolment dates is incomplete; documentation only refers to terms, course, section dates without mentioning enrolment dates; these are only documented in the "SIS Import Format Documentation" https://canvas.instructure.com/doc/api/file.sis_csv.html
1: Update documentation
- https://canvas.instructure.com/doc/api/file.sis_csv.html
o Add a note together with other start and end date notes, specifying that when course or section start and end dates are entered on the import file, student participation within those dates will automatically be selected.
o There is no reference to Section dates validation or the flag "Students can only participate in the course between these dates" – this should be included in this page.
- Additionally, No reference is made to enrolment dates in the below documents:
- https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Basics-Guide/How-do-term-dates-course-dates-and-section-da...
- https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Resource-Documents/Terms-Courses-and-Section-Enrollments/t...
- https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Resource-Documents/Student-Course-Visibility-and-Participa...
2: Extend Canvas UI to include enrolment dates:
- Page https://xyz.instructure.com/courses/123/users
- Page https://xyz.instructure.com/courses/123/users/456
- Page https://xyz.instructure.com/courses/123/sections/789
3: Fix the reports to include enrolment start_date and end_date
- Provisioning Report
- SIS Report
- Any other report containing enrolment data