[Reports] Include the External Tool ID on LTI Report

Problem statement:

Currently, the LTI Report available for account admins does not include the External Tool ID for the listed tools. The External Tool ID acts as the unique identifier for a tool. It's inclusion on this report would make identifying tools easier in cases where the same tool has been deployed multiple times in the same context. Including this value would also make utilizing this report as part of API scripts/calls more streamlined, as calls for external tools require the Tool ID. At the moment, additional work has to be done to take the Context ID and tool name, get the tool ID, and then proceed. This additional work can be very difficult in cases with multiple installations of a tool with the same name.

Proposed solution:

Include a column in the LTI Report that includes each tool's External Tool ID, to assist in identifying specific tools by their unique identifier and making the report as a whole more useful to administrators who need this value for additional work.

User role(s):


Added to Theme

1 Comment
Status changed to: Added to Theme

Thank you for submitting this idea! It has been added to the "Expand flexibility of LTI configuration and visibility" theme for further consideration,