Restrict assignment submission attempts

Currently there is no way (that I am aware of) to limit the number of times a student may submit an assignment. This functionality is available for quizzes, but not for other assignment types. It would be very helpful for our instructors to be able to set the number of times a student may submit an assignment, whether for a revisions process or simply to limit the number of files they need to comb through in grading.

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For details, please read through the 

Community Contributor

This is a great suggestion! And +100 for use of "bespoke" in a feature idea!

Another possible way to configure:


Prior to due date:

-not permitted



After due date:

-not permitted



This would allow for the rare pedagogical situation where resubmissions prior to the due date aren't desirable, but after the due date is acceptable.

Community Contributor

That's a good call Linda - I'd missed that one!

Deactivated user​, any chance you could update on the likelihood of this idea moving from 'archived' to 'under consideration' please?

Community Novice

I would like to be able to limit the number of attempts students can make to submit an assignment. On Blackboard, we could do that but now on Canvas, students seem to be able to delete and submit their submissions as many times as they wish unless the assignment is totally closed up from all submissions. It would be very beneficial for professors to be able to restrict the number of submission attempts. It will also help in ensuring student accountability. You could even make it an optional feature for professors so that those who choose not to use it can turn it off. Same goes with the number of files students can submit in one single assignment.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Students can submit multiple times, but they can never delete/remove/alter a previous submission.

Also, as the instructor you can always view any previous submission a student has made (including leaving feedback on each unique submission if you would like). Please see this guide for steps on how to view earlier submissions to an assignment: How do I view past versions of submissions in SpeedGrader?

Community Novice

Thanks for the response. I would still like to be able to restrict the number of times students can submit assignment. I think you could make it an optional setting for professors so that those who opt to limit can do so and those who choose not to can do what they deem best. Thanks.

Community Team
Community Team
  Idea is currently in Product Radar Learn more about this stage...

Community Novice

Thank you Renee!!! I am happy to hear the news that it is on the product radar!

Community Champion

It would also be nice to have a flag for "can only resubmit after the previous attempt has been graded". I might have an assignment workflow like:

- Student should turn in whatever they have done so far on Friday

- Teacher will grade and give lots of comments over the weekend

- Student should revise based on comments and re-submit by next Friday if they'd like

- Teacher will grade and give lots of comments over the weekend

- Student should revise based on comments and re-submit by next Friday if they'd like

- Final grade will now be assigned. No more revisions accepted.

In a theoretical world where I limited it to three submissions, I could get a student "using up" all three before I'd graded it even once, and I'd like to avoid that. (I see this with quizzes now when there are 3 MC problems and one essay, and I'd REALLY like that flag on the Quiz side as well.)

Community Novice

In an effort to get significant enhancements, could we also tie this to varying due dates, allow for multiple entry areas, in addition to the # of attempts? 

Community Coach
Community Coach

This has just become a need for large classes to help prevent hitting the submission limit on assignments that can be viewed in the SpeedGrader.

Also, a setting to only allow 1 or 2 submissions per assignment instead of unlimited would help greatly.