[Rubrics] Create a student-accessible rubric for self-assessments

Our nursing and OTA staff are using self-assessments to help students evaluate their confidence in the skills they are learning for certification. The idea is that they can take this assessment and choose if they want to share it, see what things they need to brush up on and reflect on their experiences. Currently they are doing this on paper but as we go to more online course work, they would like to integrate this as an online activity within a course.

The peer review rubric as it is set up now would work, but we also like the model of the tests you take on social media that tell you that you're 90% geek!

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Community Novice

Would love to see this move up on the priority list! We're looking to use this self-assessment for student assignments ultimately, but first for our educators. We're asking educators to record their class, watch it later, and give themselves a score based on their performance. We see this sort of self-assessment as a valuable part of professional development and a good first step before the peer review process. Being able to track the self-assessments in Canvas will make our observation process more streamlined. We're making do with the "survey" function in Quizzes, but it's an inelegant solution. Hoping this gets further along in development soon, and I'm interested if anyone else has ideas for workarounds until then.

Community Contributor

I never thought of using it for teacher self evaluation, good idea!

I hope we can have this one as a lovely Christmas gift!

Community Novice

Self assessment is important for all age students.  I am a first grade teacher. Students using a self assessment and rubric to support their learning is very important.  It seems so simple to say if they don't know what is expected they don't know what they need to do.  A self assessment being available in Canvas will make it easier for my students to review the rubric and then apply that information to their assignment.  Thinking about my students, I can visualize my students completing literacy assignments.  Students could answer a question after reading a passage.  Using the rubric, they could ensure they have added all the information that is needed to answer the question about the passage.

Community Novice

A self -assessment will help students to know their expectations.  It gives them guidelines on how to complete assignments.  It helps them know what steps to take to demonstrate their understanding of an assessment.  It helps them to keep the end in mind as they begin the assignment.  

I agree that it gives students the opportunity to ask for help.  

Community Member

By giving students rubric they have a clear understanding of what is expected.  Students take accountability for their work and have ownership.  Students have a clear understanding of the end in mind.

Community Novice

I am also a first grade teacher and I agree with you Pam that self assessments are very important for all age groups.  It's important for them to know what is expected of them.  

Community Novice

I agree with you.  I am a kindergarten teacher and I feel my students would love to have a self assessment.  The students will see where they are and what they need to work on.  

Community Novice

Self evaluations and peer evaluations definitely help with student engagement and allow for a non threatening, community based learning environment!

Community Novice

This idea would be great for allowing students to see, prior to submitting work, what adjustments need to be made in order to manage completion. Students will be given an opportunity to make improvements and adjustments in areas of weakness or lack of strategies needed to successfully complete a task.

Community Member

Our district has just adopted Canvas and we are beginning to do training and have discussions about how we will use the various features in our instruction.  All grade levels in our district use self-assessment regularly and it has a tremendous impact on our student's growth (20K+ students).  Self-Assessment using our district rubric allows students to be more actively engaged in their learning and allows them to monitor their own progress.    Self-Assessment is one of the core tenets of John Hattie's research on Visible Learning and much of the recent work by Marzano, Erkens, et. al, about assessment.  While I understand Canvas' process of soliciting feedback and ideas, I am not sure how many educators really follow these forums and know how to post/make suggestions that may lead to the belief that this is not an important topic or hot button issue.  Many teachers use the various features of the G-Suite.  However, including this in Canvas will allow users to stay in one system rather than bouncing back and forth between products.  Please consider putting self-assessment tools on the front burner. Self-assessment is a huge topic in educational circles now, and will and should pair with your mastery paths.  
