[Rubrics] Finding Rubrics

When a teacher wants to add a rubric to an assignment, they currently have to search through all of their courses to find the right one. This may require them to scroll down a long list before they find the right course. While it is helpful that rubrics are available to use from other courses without importing them, it would be more efficient to have two options on a menu or tabs:

1) Rubrics from this course (Default view)

2) Rubrics from other courses


This would allow teachers to add rubrics from the most likely place and also allow them to search through their other courses if they wanted.

Community Explorer
Problem statement:

Rubrics in Canvas are fantastic. We've gotten a lot of buy-in from instructors, students appreciate their transparency, and they've generally been a big hit. The only problem is: we moved to Canvas about eight years ago. In that time more and more instructors have used Rubrics in more and more courses over the course of multiple semesters (which is great!). But then, then the time comes for an instructor to "Find Rubric"...it's nearly impossible. The Find Rubric function is trying to be helpful: it allows instructors to see all their Rubrics, but the semester isn't identified, and nothing can be filtered (example: "I just want to see the Rubrics in this course, this semester").

Proposed solution:

Our enhancement request is that Rubrics be more easily identifiable, searchable, and filterable. Thank you!

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Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Member
Problem statement:

When I try to add a Rubric to an assignment that I have used before it is difficult to find due to the large number of previous classes I have taught. I have new students every quarter and teach 2 grade levels. This mean I add 8 new courses each year. I made the mistake of creating a rubric in a course from the "Rubrics" Page. Then when I went to add it to an assignment I had to search through over 40 previous courses to find the rubric. Could we add an option to make it easier to find a rubric that is alreay embedded in the current Course instead of having to search for it?

Proposed solution:

When adding a new Rubric, could you add an option for Rubrics from the current course to prevent needless searching.

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

When a teacher has multiple courses every year they remain in the possible course selection box when choosing a rubric in the "Find a Rubric" area for an individual assignment. And since they are alphabetical, course named with the current year are at the bottom of the list and not the top. This makes it very time consuming for a teacher to scroll through and find the correct class to choose a rubric from without making a duplicate rubric.

Proposed solution:

To help solve this problem I propose that the rubric selection box after clicking "Find a Rubric" defaults to the course you open it from. That way the teacher only has to scroll through the rubrics in that course to find the one they want to pair with an assignment. IF the instructor wants to find a rubric form another class they can the change their selection. By defaulting to the current class they are in it will allow teachers to select from the rubrics they will likely plan on using 99% of the time much faster. I also imagine that instead of changing the entire set up for rubrics having it just default to the current course should be a relatively easy fix.

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