[Rubrics] Hidden Rubrics

Teachers need a toggle to hide rubrics till the teacher release it, a date, or when all students have submitted. I want to be to make an assignment where students complete it one day, and then the next day they are automatically assigned peer reviews and grade each other using the rubric.  Showing the rubric before hand is stupid and is odd that there is no option.  I do not want to have to go in every day and add a rubric.  I want to set it for each unit and just have to come in and check stats and add comments to responses.  

Community Member

I completely agree with @lanthanide . Please add the feature so that teachers can choose how they want to use rubrics

Community Member

Yes, the ability to hide rubrics is desperately needed.

Community Contributor

Here's a workaround for "hiding" the ratings section of a rubric.

If you click on "I'll write free-form comments when assessing students," the students will see be able to see the criteria, but they won't see the descriptions of the ratings. 

I use this workaround for rubrics which contain the answers in the ratings boxes. I just unclick that box once the students have submitted their work and I'm ready to grade their assignments.

Community Member

The issue is not if students need to see a rubric - of course they should.

But when you use it to grade an assignment the marks within the rubric should be hidden by the 'Hide Grades' option, just as the total mark is hidden. Otherwise the Hide Grades function doesn't actually hide the grades - students can see their mark by clicking on the rubric. Students should continue to see the ungraded rubric until such time as you 'Post Marks' then they can see the graded rubric.

Community Member

Actually, there is a kind of work around by using the "Hide score total for assessment results" when you are first setting up a rubric. This means the total mark for each rubric criteria is hidden for the student but you can still use it to grade the assignment.

Screen Shot 2021-03-17 at 9.57.41 am.png

Community Explorer

This hides scores for the rubric, not the rubric itself. As stated previously, many of us put answers in the rubric when we create it to use for grading. For example, question number 1 is a point. I enter "answer is 5" for question number one on the rubric so that when I'm grading, I can look at the rubric and their answer and give them a point if they entered "5". Students can still see the rubric and whatever you put into it even if they can't see the scores you give them on the rubric, so this does not work. They can see that I wrote "the answer is 5" in the rubric even if they do not see that I gave them a point.

Community Explorer

You're missing the point entirely. Many of us want a function where we can enter the answers in an easily viewable place to have accessible while we are grading so that we do not have to look back and forth between an answer sheet and what students entered for their answer. We can look directly at the rubric where we've written the answer and provide points within that same rubric. Rubrics/instructions for students can easily be provided elsewhere for students to access - such as in the assignment itself either pasted into the page or as a file they can download. They do not need to see the answer key. Many of us want an answer key function in canvas and are asking canvas to either have an option to hide rubrics when we want to use it as an answer again (again, we can provide the rubric without answers as a file or something for students), or to create a new answer key function for grading. If we can allow students to view their answers on quizzes without showing them the correct answer, we should have the same function available for assignments.

Community Explorer

Having to wait for everyone to submit their assignments before I can begin grading is a real pain.  Please give the option for instructors to use rubrics for grading while HIDDEN and then be able to publish them when grading has been completed.

Community Contributor


I have figured out how to hide the ratings descriptions before I start grading. (Click on "I'll write free-form when assessing students.") However, in order to start grading, I have to remove that check mark, which means that any student can now read the rubric.

While I'm grading, I both "hide" the grades and set the grading policy policy to "manual" to keep the students from seeing their scores. (Both steps are necessary.) However, the rubric itself is now viewable to all students.

Alas, I don't think it's possible for you to hide the rubric once you've started using it to grade your students' work.

It apparently never occurred to the Canvas developers that some teachers would like to use rubrics as "answer keys." 


Community Member

To provide another reason why such a feature is needed: With the Canvas rubric in its present functionality, the only way to use a detailed Canvas rubric to grade exam problems without revealing this same rubric to the makeup students is to wait until all students have submitted. But exams often give alternative hours for students with conflicts or disability accomodations, and this can require waiting multiple days due to scheduling. Given the pace at which final exams in particular have to be graded, this renders such Canvas rubrics all but useless.