[Rubrics] Hidden Rubrics

Teachers need a toggle to hide rubrics till the teacher release it, a date, or when all students have submitted. I want to be to make an assignment where students complete it one day, and then the next day they are automatically assigned peer reviews and grade each other using the rubric.  Showing the rubric before hand is stupid and is odd that there is no option.  I do not want to have to go in every day and add a rubric.  I want to set it for each unit and just have to come in and check stats and add comments to responses.  

Community Contributor

@ErikStroner ,

In order to "hide" your rubrics while you are in the processing of grading your submissions, you need to do two things:

  1. "Hide" the student assignments in Speedgrader (or the Gradebook). Make sure the eyeball is crossed out.
  2. Go into the Gradebook, and set that column of assignments to "Manual" grading.

Note that you need to do BOTH STEPS.  (I learned this the hard way.)


Community Member

We do not use the Gradebook in Canvas so that is not an option. 

Community Contributor

@ErikStroner   How do you, as a teacher, not have access to the Gradebook in your own Canvas course?  Do you have a role other than "teacher?" 

Community Member

We do not use the Gradebook feature, we have our own internal system of grade reporting. Will than make a difference in a student's ability to view the rubric?

Community Contributor


Got it! Alas, I don't know how to effectively "hide" the rubric from the students' view.

I use the Canvas Gradebook, and I discovered that students could still click on Grades and then the rubric icon even though I had "hidden" the grades in Speedgrader. It was only through trial and error than I found out that I also need to turn on "Manual" grading.

The way I figured this out was to submit an answer as a "Test Student," grade my own submission with my rubric, and then go back into the "Student View."

Community Member

Thanks for the advice in the matter. It would be much easier if there was a a button to turn off access until a certain date/time or until an instructor give permission. 

Community Participant

Hi @SusanNiemeyer 

Trying the steps from your above reply (https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/Hidden-Rubrics/idc-p/519780/highlight/true#M66...) didn't seem to work for me. When the students open the assignment from the gradebook, they see the below and are able to click on "Show Rubric".


show rubric.JPG

Can you please advise if you are experiencing the same?


Community Contributor

O.K. My "hack" still works in the sense that the students will not see their scores.  (I both set the grading to "manual" AND "hide" the grades.)

However, the students can see the rubrics. If the rubrics are set up as "answer keys," then there is no real security.

Maybe the Canvas Developers can find a way to "hide" the rubric until instructors would like to make it visible to their students. 

Community Novice

As everyone else has says -- I need my rubric for grading without giving answers to the other students.  No grading early I guess.

Community Contributor

Nope! No early grading!  And, make sure that your students can't see your rubric ahead of time. To "hide" your ratings descriptions, check the box next to "I'll write free-form comments when assessing students."

There are two solutions that Canvas could explore:

  1. Give us more control over our own rubrics.
  2. Create a different instrument for "answer keys."