[Rubrics] Retain data when rubric is disconnected from assignment

If an instructor links a rubric to an assignment, enters data in the rubric in the speedgrader, and then un-links the rubric from that assignment, all data entered in the rubric will permanently lost without warning.

Re-linking the original rubric to the assignment will not restore any data that was previously entered into the rubric.


Please add either:

1. Automatic restoration of rubric data if a rubric is un-linked and then re-linked (the same way that grading data is retained even if a student enrollment is deleted)

2. A warning message displayed when attempting to unlink a rubric that will result in data loss


We had an instructor review* a quiz using a rubric: 200 students * 6 questions = 1200 manually graded questions. The instructor was testing various things, and un-linked the rubric. When they re-linked the rubric, they learned that all the previously-entered data was deleted without warning.


*I say "review" because you cannot grade a quiz with a rubric. The instructor was aware of this, and intended to copy the rubric values to the corresponding questions to finalize the grades.

Community Coach
Community Coach

We just ran in to this issue yesterday.  Very disappointing that a ton of feedback can just vanish without warning with one accidental click.  At a minimum there should be a warning that pops up before removing a rubric if it's already been used in SpeedGrader.  Ideally, if a rubric is re-attached, the comments should come back with it (just like if a student is removed from a course and later re-added, all of their grades are restored).

I feel this is really a big and will try to escalate the issue through our CSM.


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