[Rubrics] Rubrics are Woefully Under-featured

Problem statement:

Rubrics are good for fair grading across many students as they standardize the points awarded for each part of an assignment. Canvas rubrics are frustrating and difficult to use and they discourage instructors from utilizing them. The primary issue is that editing rubics is practically impossible. The criteria of the rubric cannot be rearranged. This means that to create a new criterion near the beginning of the rubric would require deleting all of the criterion that would come after and then completely rebuilding the rubric. This is a very basic function that has been missing for years. Point allotment is also frustrating. Every point must be input individually and given a comment.

Proposed solution:

Create new functionality to allow for rearranging rubric criteria. Create new functionality to split a criterion between a set number of possibilities (i.e. X points split into Y number of sections and points evenly divided between the Y sections)

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Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Will Not Consider

Hi @JamesKCOS -

Thank you for taking the time to share this idea with the Instructure Community. Rubrics is a topic that is frequently discussed, and the theme Improved rubric creation and usability is prioritized and open for discussion with our Product Team.

Reviewing existing ideas, I found:
[Rubrics] Editing Capabilities for Rubrics 

[Rubrics] Adapt Canvas Rubrics to Conventional Rubric Design 

Both of these threads touch on what you outlined in your thread. I encourage you to look at the Improved Rubric Creation and Usibility theme and add your thoughts to the thread. I know that members of the Product Team are there and ready to discuss rubrics as they complete discovery work.

Community Explorer

Hi @KristinL 

Thanks for the reply. Couldn't help but noticing that the Editing Capabilities for Rubrics post is dated 2015. Are the features mentioned in that post from 8 years ago on the roadmap?


Community Team
Community Team

Yes, it definitely is a long-standing thread. Right now, rubrics aren't included, but bookmark the Canvas Roadmap and look for updates quarterly. An update is expected to be released next week.