[Rubrics] table cells too large in Speedgrader

Problem statement:

Hello everyone, With the implementation of new rubrics on July 20th, the speedgrader is also impacted. As the illustration shows the cell for a criterion occupies too much space, probably because the description determines the depth of the cell. Making the description linkable would collapse the table cell so that the vertical viewing of criteria is easier. It is also inefficient to grade with the rubric as it requires so much scrolling. There are some courses with 10, 15, or 20 rubric criteria that can potentially incur annoyance among professors.



Proposed solution:

Make the descriptions for criteria available via a link to reduce the amount of table space occupied and collapse the cells to a manageable level. This would make it more efficient for faculty to view the rubric and click-to-award points before doing any necessary scrolling. 


User role(s):


Community Participant

Here is the image that i was 2024-07-24_08-58-46.png

Here is the image that I was trying to upload in the original post.  I also have this video that I have posted as an unlisted YouTube link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEsRx7Qyn60 

Community Participant

And so now we have consequences:  Our university has been receiving enough complaints of the speed grader cells being too large to warrant turning OFF this feature.  We turned it off today.  

That's our option, I know, but this is not what Canvas intended.  The ability to edit and shift around rubric criteria is a wonderful new feature, but not messing with the speedgrader.  

Please remedy this.

Glen Gummess