[SpeedGrader] Ability to move through all assignments for one student in speedgrader

As I am looking at the speedgrader assignments, one feature that would be great would be that instead of per assignment, moving from student to student, but by student, moving from assignment to assignment. I am probably not the only one who has thought of a need to pick one student and then review their first assignment, second, third, etc. as teachers do that sometimes when they have to create a final grade. Right now, I have to back up each time to speedgrader to pick the next assignment and reopen speedgrader again.

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Why not? It is all over the Canvas team at my institution. EVERYONE wants this. While a number of instructors have various workarounds, none are efficient. They all involve having multiple windows open at once to toggle through assignments.

Community Champion

@GlennaGelfand -

I'm just a user.  I have no idea why it has not been implemented.  All we have is this idea conversation and the rating it has received.  Not much else we can do as individual users.  I am not sure what can be done at say a institution level for putting in request to Instructure to add this functionality.


Community Champion

This would be an amazing feature! I can't believe it hasn't gotten more traction with it being such an old idea.  I'm hoping that more recent comments will help boost this. 


Mark James
Reformed Theological Seminary
LMS Administrator

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Yes! It seems to me there should be a little arrow on either side of the assignment like there is by the student names so you can look at different assignments for the same student in SpeedGrader

Community Explorer

Currently through the gradebook, I have to open multiple windows (every single assignment) to grade the student's late work. It is a very slow and cumbersome process, especially if several students decide to get caught up several weeks after an assignment is due. This could be fixed either by adding a submission preview to the sidebar (when I click an assignment in the gradebook) OR by creating a speedgrader specifically for individual students. Both options simultaneously would be nice to have. 

For example, I often open the gradebook to see a student has turned late assignments.

Scenario 1: If a student has turned in just one late assignment, it would be nice to just click the "speedgrader" button for that assignment and see a preview of the submission in the sidebar so that I can grade it while still in gradebook view--no need to open a new window. We already have the sidebar, but we need the preview. Even a small one could work. I'm willing to sacrifice the screen space for that very quick option.

Scenario 2: If a student has turned in 10 late assignments, it would be nice to click the student's name, open a speedgrader just for that student's assignments, and quickly click grade all of their work in that window rather than opening 10 different windows (which is my current situation).

Community Explorer

Would love to get this idea implemented, it has been suggested by both teachers and administrators at our schools and would be especially helpful when auditing a particular student's courses/work.  

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Problem statement:

When a learner has several assignments to mark it is slow progress having to back to the Grade Book each time. Once I have been in Speed Grader I have to go back to the Grade Book , search for the same learner to move onto their next assignment.

Proposed solution:

Give an option to jump to the next assignment for the learner. I use another system within the company called Learning Assistant. This allows it and makes marking much quicker.

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Problem statement:

When using Speed Grader to mark off assignments that students have submitted, it is a bit of a hassle to grade and then go back to the next assignment in the gradebook when I am am checking submissions for one particular student.

Proposed solution:

What I would like to see and I think would be a lot more efficient is a view in Speed Grader that allows me to score assignments for a particular student in a single view or with the dropdown of assignments instead of students. This would make it much easier to grade by the student rather than the assignment.

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