[Speedgrader] Randomize submissions

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


None of the three options currently in Canvas are random enough to prevent bias from creeping into grading.  Currently, canvas has this answer:

"the teacher could effectively randomize the submissions by changing the sort order in SpeedGrader settings, as described in How do I sort the student list in SpeedGrader?   By default, students appear in the SpeedGrader in alphabetical order. However, if the instructor were to change the display setting to either of the two remaining options--date submitted or submission status--the submissions would no longer display in the same order as the names appear in the Gradebook. The instructor can enable that setting in the same place the "Hide student names..." option appears."



  1. Date submitted means that assignments are displayed in an order that likely places the best and most competent work at the beginning, as students who put the effort in work are more likely to turn it in early or on time.
  2. Submission order, I believe is still alphabetically, with just those that did not submit removed.  Especially if everyone submitted, that doesn't help.

I'm not sure we need to add another option.  Hiding student names implies the instructor is trying to remove bias, and thus is could instead be "Display submitted work randomly with names hidden."



Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-14928 .

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thank you for submitting this idea,  @kbink . Although we recognize that this is a different idea, we thought you might also want to follow the progress of https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/5365-completely-anonymous-grading-persistently-blind-grading" ... and would be interested in what's underway at Priority: Anonymous & Moderated Marking .

Community Contributor

I had missed those, thanks!  And this is just a tweak on the ideas already there.  Thanks!

Community Contributor

A "work around" for this this could be using one of the anonymous sort options, the a random number generator to skip ahead or back from the one shown in front of you. Grade that, then move randomly again. 

For me, bias starts to creep in with fatigue. I grade a few, go away from it, grade a few more, take a break. Or that's the goal when I'm not up against a deadline.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Comments from Instructure

For more information, please read through the Canvas Beta Release Notes (2018-07-02) 

Community Team
Community Team
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas 

For more information, please read through the Canvas Production Release Notes (2018-07-14) .

Community Team
Community Team

 @kbink  Thank You  for submitting this idea, as well as,  @jbuchner  Thank You  for your contributions. Your investment in this idea helped refine a feature which is now part of Canvas! 

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Community Team
Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Completed
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Status changed to: Completed

Hi!  This request was also featured in the Canvas Deploy Notes (2024-05-22).