[Studio] Canvas Studio Group Members

Problem statement:

Faculty would like to create Canvas Studio groups of the students in each course. Currently this can only be done manually, one by one. Courses here range from 15 students to over 200+. Creating Canvas Studio groups manually simply is not feasible due to the time involved even on just one course. Imagine the time to manually create Canvas Studio groups if you had 3-4 classes!

Proposed solution:

The easiest way in my mind is to be able to bulk add is to be able to import a spreadsheet or .csv file. Thinking on the next level, it would really be awesome if there was a check box or other setting in the course where an instructor could just check "Automatically add students to Canvas Studio Group." There may need to be a blank to add the course SIS code but I will leave the details to the Canvas developers. 🙂

User role(s):


Added to Theme

Additional enhancements for Studio Theme Status: Identified

Status changed to: Added to Theme

Hi @CynthiaEdwards1,

Thank you for submitting this idea! We have it on our radar to provide a better way to share a media with an entire course so I added it to the Additional functionality enhancements for Studio Theme!



Community Participant

@AkosFarago This is great news! Thank you for considering this!


With a joyful noise,

Cynthia Edwards