[Studio] Remember collection location when adding multiple videos using Rich Content Editor

Problem statement:

Studio integration with Rich Content Editor should keep your spot when selecting videos to add to a page/assignment/quiz/etc. When selecting Studio via the Rich Content Editor, I have to navigate back to where I previously was which at times can be many time consuming clicks. For example, when adding 2 Studio videos to a page, after doing the first video, I have to navigate back to "shared with me" then select the collection shared with me, then sort by name rather than date added, then scroll down and find the 2nd video needed to embed.

Proposed solution:

Allow the Studio integration in the RCE to remember my place in Studio at least when embedding multiple Studio videos on the same page/assignment/quiz/etc. It would be great if this could extend beyond one page and remember where I was when moving to the next page.

User role(s):


Added to Theme

1 Comment
Status changed to: Added to Theme

Hi @canvas_admin,

This sounds like a great idea to keep Studio easy to use in the long term. While this is somewhat different than other Ideas collected under Additional enhancements for Studio, I moved it under that Theme to ensure this doesn't drop off our radar when we get there.

Thank you for posting this idea!

