[Studio] Studio closed caption as default

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Closed Caption for Canvas Studio needs to be enabled and utilized by default. If I want to opt-out of CC then I should be able to click it and opt out rather than click to enable them. If I set my language preference, I should be able to have closed captions on be default without going through extra steps to add them and the transcript to any video or multimedia item I create. 


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open
Community Participant

Agree. Also, captions should be created automatically upon record/upload without having to manually request them and then manually having to publish them, at least as an account option. Thanks.

Community Participant

Agree. With us, the teaching is conducted in both English and Swedish and a lot of material that is used is therefore subtitled. It would therefore be good if subtitling could be set as a standard by the teacher.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thank you @emills! A colleague of mine asked if captions could be turned on by default in Canvas Studio. I did a search in the Canvas Community and found your excellent idea. This is especially helpful because Studio does not have an obvious way to enable captions (like YouTube's CC button).

Community Explorer

Agree. We are moving from Vidgrid and the automatic captioning was Vidgrid's best selling feature to faculty. Less work on their end.

Community Participant

I want to heartily beg for the ability to at least SET a default captioning language so we don't have to pick it every time. 

And I hadn't thought of it before, but YESSS, I agree with ...please just generate the captions FOR us every time! That would be amazing! 

And finally, I agree with OP-- don't  make the students turn on CC for every single video. Let them turn it on or off at the course level. 

Thank you!

Community Member

I don't know how to vote for support of auto captions, but I'm all for it. 85% accurate is pretty darn good. If I need to edit my name and some key terminology afterward, that's quite alright. I also think auto captioning student uploads would also be beneficial.

Community Participant

A change to captions being created and made available by default would be a massive improvement in terms of ensuring good accessibility in courses using Studio videos. The current process requires users to go to the Captions tab, select the language, request captions, wait....................., receive an email, go back into the video, go to the Captions tab, click Review and Publish, review the captions, then click Publish......

A lot of steps that could make this necessary accessibility feature too hard for many users.

Another related aspect is that the current icon for a viewer to turn on captions is not the commonly accepted CC icon, necessitating instructions on how to turn on captions. 

Community Member

Please canvas listen to our plea.

Please make captions on automatically by default  with an option to turn off if the student chooses. This would help tremendously our ADA Accommodations. 

I also agree, why can’t captions automatically populate without us having to go in and do all of those extra steps?   This would help instructors and students tremendously. 

Community Novice

Yes please, this would is now industry standard for accessibility and seen as a barrier to adoption.