[Studio] Subscribe to comments FOR ALL videos in a course

Problem statement:

I often teach the same online/asynchronous course, in which I use Canvas Studio videos embedded on different pages. I invite my students to leave comments and ask questions about the videos in the "Comments" section for these videos. I love that they can do this, and that I can click "Subscribe to Comments" on the videos so that Canvas informs me when a student has written a comment or asked a question on a video. The problem is that, each time I move my content to a new Canvas course (for a new semester), Canvas reverts to me not being "Subscribed to Comments". This means that, in order to be notified about student comments/questions for my videos, I have to go through *every* page and click "Subscribe to Comments" on that video. This takes me about an hour of mindless clicking through every page, with every video, in order to make sure that I'm notified when/if my students write a comment on a video. So, for example, I just exported/imported the course for a new semester. Now, I must go through every page that has a video and click "Subscribe to Comments" on that video. If I don't, then I will not be notified when/if a student comments on it.

Proposed solution:

I think there are different possible solutions for this. One is that, when you import a class into Canvas, there is an option to "Subscribe to Comments on All Videos". Another is that, in the course settings, there is an option to "Subscribe to Comments on All Videos". The reason for why this solution is valuable seems obvious to me: it allows teachers to make sure that they are not missing student comments on videos because they forgot to go through every page with a video and re-click "Subscribe to Comments" for that video. Students in online classes value interaction with teachers, and currently teachers are required to go through every page with every video to "Subscribe to Comments" each time they import those videos. This will save teachers time (since they can simply subscribe to comments for all their videos with one click vs. spending at least an hour going through every page, and every video, to click a button) and will guarantee that teachers do not miss any student comments because they accidentally forgot to click "Subscribe to Comments" on one of their videos.

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