[Syllabus] "Submission Status" column on main course view.

 When looking at the course outline:


It would be nice if you could include a status column showing if you have submitted an assignment. And when it has been submitted a check mark followed by something like "Submitted June 1st, followed by your score: 9\10, submitted ungraded, or overdue. This would decrease the need to switch over to the Grades page, and make it more obvious when you have work left to turn in for that specific week.

Community Team
Community Team

 @goodjer ​

Thank you for your idea.  We can open this idea  (which is basically to place the grades tab content onto the modules page) for voting in the July cohort, but you may want to share some use cases and justification for why you think that it is important.  This will help voters decide if it is a priority for them as well.  I can see how I may like the convenience of the information as a student, but there are many good reasons not to put this information there.  The first being confidentiality.  Many students do not want any grade related information on a page where they spend a lot of time & someone may look over their shoulder.  A second is simplicity.  Many students like to focus on content (without distractions) when they are moving though their learning activities.

Community Novice

I agree with what you are suggesting for some students regarding confidentiality. It would be nice to at least know if you have already submitted something, or at least have a settings option to enable or disable such a feature. I have taken online courses with another school that used a similar system and it was nice to look at the weekly assignments and instantly see what you still need to turn in.

Community Team
Community Team

I really love that idea.  There are some small indicators on the modules page, that show when an assignment is completed, but i believe they only appear if an instructor has set requirements for a module.  There is a lot of potential to explore around the idea of checkoff in modules!

Community Team
Community Team

This idea has moved to the next stage and will be open for voting among the Canvas Community, from Wed. July 6, 2016 - Wed. October 5, 2016.

Check out this doc for additional details about how the voting process works!

Community Participant

I love this feature request. It would be awesome if observers could see this status column as well!

Community Novice

My students have been asking for this!

Community Novice

I love this idea too. One thing with the status that might help my students is when a certain number of posts is required for a discussion. Seeing how many posts are required vs. how many have been completed would be useful knowledge for students as they review their "to do" in a course.

Community Novice

This is a great tool for the observer account!

Community Explorer

If concerned about the confidentiality, even a check mark indicating submitted would be helpful.

Community Participant

Yes, especially since a check mark appears when an assignment is submitted that is set as a requirement. Our teachers utilize requirements for only certain modules, so our students get very frustrated when they stop seeing the check marks!