Time Delay between Quiz Retakes

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


Hi Folks,

As a corporate customer we require our students to pass a certification exam, scoring 80 points (or higher) out of 100 possible points. If a student fails the certification exam (< 80 points) on their first attempt, they can attempt the exam two additional times (for a total of three possible attempts). However, in a traditional ILT class, the student is required to wait a minimum of 12 hours before retaking the certification exam. The current Canvas Quiz Engine provides me with the ability to configure multiple attempts, however, it does not allow me to assign a time period between each attempt. Can this functionality be included in the upcoming release of the Canvas Quiz Engine?

Thank you,

Doug Kunze

Charles River Development


Comments from Instructure

This idea was completed with general availability of Quizzes.Next.  You can find more information about the overall project in the Quizzes.Next User Group.‌

  • Quizzes.Next is now available for all paid accounts.
  • Quizzes.Next documentation will live in the Quizzes.Next User Group until July 14, 2018. On July 14, 2018, all of the documentation will be moved to the Canvas Guides in the Canvas Instructor Guide or Canvas Student Guide
  • Quizzes.Next updates will be included in the Canvas Release Notes. This includes new features, updated features, and relevant fixed bugs. New and updated features will be deployed to Quizzes.Next near the same time as the Canvas release. Fixed bugs may be deployed at any time.
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi  @douglaskunze ​...

If I recall correctly, I believe this is being addressed (or at least it's been suggested) in the new Canvas Studio: Modern Quizzing Engine​ project that is being worked on right now.  Currently, there is now date as to when this will be fully completed, but there's lots of ideas and discussion within the link I've shared.  Also, there is a presentation that was given by Deactivated user​ this past Summer at InstructureCon 2016, and you might want to watch that some time: ​.

Hope this helps!


HI Doug and Chris,

I just finished reviewing/skimming the transcript of the video that Chris linked to so that I could respond to a different quiz related feature idea.  I cannot tell you specifically where in the video (its before 28:35) Jason talks about being able to specify the delay between attempts but it will be an included feature. 

Doug, I'll go ahead and archive your request as we can confirm that it is already in development.  Please let us know if you have questions.  Thanks

Community Novice

Hi Scott,

Rather ironic that you sent your eMail just now. I was just at that point of the presentation myself. In fact, I was taking a screen shot of that portion of the presentation (to forward to my manager) when I received your eMail.

Thanks to both of you and Chris for responding so quickly to me feature request submission.


P.S. I’ve CC’d my Instructure CSM (Nicki Dittemore) to let her know I’ve already obtained my answer.

Community Explorer

Thank you for doing this Canvas. It is so important to student learning; it provides them with the opportunity to reflect, think, engage with content, let the ideas and information sink in and learn!

Karen Matson

Community Team
Community Team

With advisement from the product manager, this idea will skip the official voting cohort and go directly to 'under consideration'.  It is not yet in the 'in development' stage because it is not in active development.  We appreciate your use cases, and look forward to reading more!

Community Team
Community Team

This idea was moved from Under Consideration stage (no longer in use) to the Product Radar stage.  

This change was made as part of a feature idea process evolution.  Find more information, and contribute insights, by joining Focus Group: DRAFT Feature Idea Space

Community Team
Community Team
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas 

This idea was completed with general availability of Quizzes.Next.  You can find more information about the overall project in the Quizzes.Next User Group.‌

  • Quizzes.Next is now available for all paid accounts.
  • Quizzes.Next documentation will live in the Quizzes.Next User Group until July 14, 2018. On July 14, 2018, all of the documentation will be moved to the Canvas Guides in the Canvas Instructor Guide or Canvas Student Guide
  • Quizzes.Next updates will be included in the Canvas Release Notes. This includes new features, updated features, and relevant fixed bugs. New and updated features will be deployed to Quizzes.Next near the same time as the Canvas release. Fixed bugs may be deployed at any time.
Community Novice
Status changed to: Complete
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed