[To Do] Have Observer Calendar/To Do Match Student's


Parents in a K-12 environment (Observers) want their calendars and time management tools to match their students' calendar and other time management tools, such as the To Do and Coming Up blocks.


In order to better track what students have completed and still have to do, we propose these changes to the Observer's time management tools:

  • Items on the Observer calendar "cross off" when the student they are observing submits the lesson
  • The checkmark beside a lesson turn green in the To Do/Coming Up blocks upon student submission

Added to Theme

Improve Observer Experience Theme Status: Identified

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Community Novice

I am a parent of 4 using Canvas, it would be very helpful if you could make the parent accounts match the students accounts but with the view of all students instead of just one student.  Having to login to each 4 of my students is time consuming and with 4 students/children it would save us all time and stress.  

Community Novice

Being able to see what has or hasn't been done in Calendar View on my Parent Canvas Account would save me time and be much more convenient than having to log in to each of my children's accounts, in addition to my own, to get a clear picture of where everyone is during the day. 

Community Novice

Yes seeing what both my students have completed on canvas would be extremely helpful.  Instead of fussing at them for not doing something and then then show Menon theirs. 

Community Member

This is a wonderful at-a-glance tool for parents to engage in the students learning process.

Community Novice

I as a parent and learning coach would like to see the strike thru on the calendar when an assistant is done as well as the green check make by the assignment when complete when in the observer account. That way not matter which way I go to check work I can clearly and easily see the assignment complete.  Please add these changes to the observer account.


Community Member
  • This would be fantastic. How do I vote yes for this?
Community Member

This thread was started 5 YEARS AGO, and as far as I can tell, Canvas has not responded once. I have personally reached out to the "support team" and also did not receive a response. Clearly, the Canvas administrators are not concerned with the needs of parents of school aged children, who have been forced to rely on a spotty online platform. In my opinion, it seems that Canvas is primarily concerned with capitalizing on a fear crazed public in the midst of an ongoing pandemic and ongoing government overreach, and taking the opportunity to obtain scores of contracts with school districts across the country, rather than concerning itself with equipping parents and districts alike to further the education if our children. Taking advantage of Americans in crisis seems to be an equal in scale pandemic across the nation. 

Besides the many other issues with the Canvas platform, the lack of response to this extremely sensible request thread points to the greater problem of how parents all over the country are being ignored, and how our children are being failed. 

Community Member

This is a huge oversight on Canvas' part. I can't see what has been completed without logging into my kid's account. The observer account NEEDS to mirror the kids' accounts. Please add the "calendar crossed off when complete" feature to observer accounts. 

Community Member

OK, I'm seeing a lot of concurring comments, so how do we get this moving? I've contacted my school (the client) and they don't seem to know how to demand this. I was told to "login as the student." That's not a good enough answer.

Are we talking in an echo chamber here? What is the next step? How do we grab the ear of the decision maker here? They've been getting the same feedback since 2015 and have done nothing about it. So, I'd definitively like to hear from them their reasoning for not implementing this adjustment.