CanvasCasters Podcast : Big 3 Loves

Community Coach
Community Coach

As we move into the month of love, I'd like to share my love and appreciation for the CanvasCasters podcast ( . It's amazing to hear such great Canvas stories from fellow Canvas users. Perhaps you've read my previous blog listing the special guests from some of the 2019 episodes 1-8: CanvasCasters Podcast: Have Ears, Will Listen... & Subscribe .

If you've enjoyed the podcast, you will familiar with one of their closing questions asking their guests their big 3 things they love about Canvas or what's in their Canvas backpack? So without further ado.

Episode & GuestTop 3 Loves (Canvas Backpack)

1:  @tolinm ‌

  • Speedgrader- Using rubrics
  • Speedgrader > Options- Sort by submission status, so that when grading you can grade all that submitted back-to-back versus skipping over students who haven't submitted yet 
  • Speedgrader- Audio/video feedback to students
2:  @paul_towers 
  • Tapping into "New" Analytics
  • Present live from your Canvas course
  • Modules/pages
3 & 4:  @kona 
  • Gradebook > Message Student Who
    • "New" Analytics - message students who haven't view a Page
  • Gradebook > Notes Column
  • Canvas Community
5:  @christopher_gil ‌
  • Community & Twitter: Connect with people/video chats
  • Teach faculty how to use Canvas Calendar
  • Canvas Tier 1 Support
  • Admit what you don't know; it's okay

6:  @Eddie_Small ‌  @edtechmarcus ‌

  • (Admin) Global Announcements
  • Using Canvas for Professional Development hosting
  • Studio/Arc
    • Easy to learn and use; integrated into Canvas
    • Student engagement and content creation; integrated quizzes
7: kbeimfohr
  • Canvas Media Recorder, student content creation and instructor feedback
  • Up-to-date Canvas Guides & step-by-step documentation
  • Potential of New Quizzes, variety of type of questions
8:  @scottdennis  &  @Renee_Carney Renee shared about the Canvas Advocate (changed name from Canvassador) program. Share your Canvas passion with other users. Both Scott and Renee spoke about the Canvas Community and invite users to join.
9:  @kjself ‌
  • Blueprint 
  • Groups
  • New Gradebook

10: Amanda Kitchell & Amanda_Wilkerson

  • Canvas Conversations/Inbox messages, accessible after-hours
  • Modules
    • Embed everything students need within Canvas
    • If students miss class/poor weather days, they don't miss content
  • Studio, integrated quiz feature with video (hidden markers)
11: Mixtape Volume 1
You can also read more about the CanvasCasters podcast in their recent post on the Instructure blog.
12: Announcement
Guess who is coming to instcon‌; that's right your favorite unofficial Canvas podcast! Meet Marcus & Eddie in Nashville; who knows Smiley Wink ... there might be a live show? instructurecon2020‌
13: Monica Burns

Monica provides an overview of the Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC) in lovely Miami, FL. She shared how to approach your next conference and a few accounts/organizations to follow.

14: Stevie Frank
  • Rubrics/Speedgrader
  • Student View, great to show "HOW TOs."
  • Modules
15:  @khaled_al-ankar 
  • Canvas Studio, media content is easiest way to create & consume, especially for visual learners.
  • Canvas Guides, great to provide to others especially for those who want to print out for step-by-step guide.
  • Quizzes.Next, can migrate from old quizzes to new quizzes is a good feature. Extremely powerful especially with hot spots.
16: van.bardell &  @ryne_jungling ‌
  • "Sandbox" class, not tied to any course or students; great for testing stuff out - saves time.
  • Modules, great for organized instructions & student navigation.
17: CanvasCastersDiscusses how education is being impacted by COVID-19.
18:  @travis_thurston 
  • Discussion Forums, so flexible. Digital Powerups: talk about a concept; choose 2-3 (of 5-7) prompts to enter into discussion/commentary.

Give them a listen and if you think it's panda-tastic; subscribe! You can find CanvasCasters in a variety of ways:

Keep Learning,

Sky V.
Senior Instructional Designer, FIU Online
Adjunct in Marketing & Logistics, FIU

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @valentinesking , this is such an awesome resource!! Thank you so much for doing this!!


Community Coach
Community Coach

Thanks  @kona ‌. I think in one of the episodes someone mentioned they weren't sure if they were repeating what someone else has said and so I thought the post might be helpful. I'm glad I did because I had forgotten about Megan's sort by submission status which can definitely save some time when grading! Heart

Sky V.